‹ Prequel: My Little Earthquake
Status: work in progress...

I'm All Yours

I wanna be your last first kiss

I woke up with a start.

I blinked a few times before I could see properly, and when I turned to check on Harry he was staring right at me. My breath caught and my heart rate accelerated.

He was sitting up on the edge of the bed. His jeans and plain white shirt looked wrinkled and like he’d been wearing them for a few days.

His hair was matted and sticking up in all directions and his skin was a little green. The bed side lamp was on and it was still dark out, but I had no idea what time it was.

“What are you doing here, Emma?” He finally asked, his voice still thick with sleep.

I sat up and stretched my stiff legs out in front of me, “I came to see you.”

“Well you’ve seen me,” he said standing up, “You can leave now.” I watched him walk into the room’s bathroom and shut the door.

A few seconds later I heard the sound of him throwing up.

I got up and tried the door but it was lock, “Harry, let me in. Please?”'

He ignored me and flushed the toilet. I leaned against the door and listened in as he turned on the sink and rummaged around in there.

When he finally opened the door he shoved past me, avoiding any contact with me he could. He didn’t even glance at me.

I followed after him into our room, “Harry,” I pleaded.

He whirled around, “Look, I’ve got a massive head ache, I feel like shit and I think I’m still a little drunk. I’m taking a shower, and when I get out I don’t want you to still be here!” With that he walked into the bathroom and slammed the door.

I don’t know how I was still standing. His words made my heart explode. At least that’s what it felt like.

I walked out of the room and down the stairs before I realized I didn’t have my car. The tears were already flooding down my face as I made my way into the kitchen to use the house phone. I literally had nothing on me when Louis dragged me here.

I blindly dialed his number as sobs threatened to rip out of me.

“Hello?” came the sleep laced voice.

I sniffed, “Louis you need to come get me.”

“Emma? It’s 4 in the morning! I thought since I didn’t hear from you things were going fine.”

“Well they aren’t!” I snapped, “He was passed out when I found him and now when he just woke up he to told me he didn’t want me here. So since you kidnapped me against my will I need you to take me back to Pete’s.” I couldn’t hold it in anymore. As soon as I finished my last words to Louis cries crashed though my body.

I was crying to hard I almost didn’t hear Louis reply, “Emma calm down. I’ll be there soon.”

“Hurry,” I croaked, “He wants me gone by the time he’s out of the shower.”

“I’m leaving right now, Love,” he said softly. I pretended not to notice the pity in his voice as I hung up.

I slipped on a pair of flats that were in the shoe pile by the door and walked outside to sit on the porch.

By the time Louis pulled up of wasn’t crying uncontrollably anymore. The tears just freely fell down my cheeks and I sat silently.

Before I could reach his car he jumped out. He came and stood in front of me and just stared at me with a look full of sorrow. I didn’t want to see that look on him anymore so I moved my gaze to his shoes.

“Take me home Lou,” I whispered.

He pulled me against his chest then and held me tight as more hot tears streamed down my face, “You are home Emma. I’m going to help you fix this.”

“There’s nothing left to fix Louis,” I cried into his chest, “He made that clear.”

He pulled me away from his chest and ran his thumbs across my cheeks to whip my tears away. It was pointless though, they were quickly replaced with more. “Come on,” He laced his fingers with mine and pulled me back towards the house, “No one’s leaving until this is fixed.”

I sighed, but said nothing. Instead worked to control my crying.

Louis threw the front door open with so much force it smacked against the wall, “Harry!” He yelled into the house, “Get the fuck down here now!” He turned, pulling me all the way back in the house and slammed the door so hard the room shook.

I heard Harry run down the stairs then, “The fuck Lou?” he said when he entered the room, then he saw me and he stopped in his tracks. He looked between Louis and me for a moment before he spoke, “Look, I know what you’re trying to do mate, but it’s done. Just drop it,” He turned to leave the room, but Louis skidded over and stopped him.

“Stop Harry. This is stupid. You too can work through this.” He turned Harry around to face me, “Look at her. Look what you’re doing to her! To yourself. You haven’t been the same since this fight!”
“She made her choice!” He bellowed at Louis, not looking at me, “I told her that if she left, that was it. She chose to end this, not me!”

“Can we just agree that you’re both a little fucked up?” Louis challenged, “You’re both a little too stubborn for your own good, but you can work on that!”

“I can’t do it anymore!” Harry yelled, “I can’t stand around and watch her walk away from me anymore! It kills me when she does! I can’t continue to live like that!” He finally looked at me. The hurt and broken look on his face tearing my heart apart even more. I took a small step towards him and he instantly took a giant step away from me, “Don’t,” He warned.

I froze in my spot. I glanced at Louis for a half second before my eyes connected back with Harry’s, “I don’t want to walk away from you anymore,” I said. I whipped away the few tears that had fallen again, “I know I’ve done horrible things that have hurt you Harry. But you’ve hurt me too. I know I shouldn’t have walked out. I don’t even know what I was so mad.” I stopped to catch my breath as I fought the urge to just sob. I glanced at Louis again and he gave me an encouraging nod. I took another small step towards Harry again, and this time he didn’t back away, instead just stared back at me with an unreadable expression, but his eyes were glossy.

I took a deep breath then continued, “I love you Harry. I don’t think I could live with myself if I let us fall apart. It would kill me to see you happy with someone else. And you an invite whoever you want to the wedding. Invite the whole world, I don’t care. I just want us to work past this. I’ll do whatever it takes. I’ll go see a counselor or something to work on my issues. I don’t care.”

“Actually you both should see one,” Louis interjected. I glared at him and he held up his hands in surrender.

When I looked back at Harry his gaze wasn’t on me anymore. He was staring at the ground instead and a few tears fell from his eyes before he whipped them away. I had the urge to run over and comfort him but knew best to just stay put.

“I’m sorry too,” he finally said. He brought his gaze up back to mine then, “I shouldn’t have disrespected you the way I did,” I knew he was referring to calling me a cunt, “And I shouldn’t have let my anger take a hold of me either. It’s just,” He sighed, running a hand through his curls, “You always run away from our fights and that pisses me off more. And when you walked out after telling me the wedding was off I was gutted. I still am. It still hurts.”

I took another small step closer to him, so there was only about 2 feet between us now, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left. I don’t know why I always run from you.”

“Maybe we should take some kind of couples counseling or something,” he offered.

I felt hope for the first time in days, “I’m okay with that.”

He shoved his hands in his pockets, “But… Do you actually want to be married though? Just forget about what everyone has told us, what do you want.”

This was the first time he was actually asking me with. I mean, yeah we’ve talked about the fact that we were married, and it was what was best for everyone, but he never blatantly asked if I was okay with it.

I thought over everything. I thought about our past, growing up with him, falling in love with him. Even if he was gone most of our relationship, I was still the happiest I had been in a long time. I also thought about how I would feel if I didn’t have him in my life anymore. Sounded like a nightmare, and my heart hurt just thinking about it.

“I want to be married to you,” I said after a moment.

A small smile appeared on his face before he hide it again, “But I can’t take you running away from me anymore.”

“I won’t!” I insisted, “I’ll work on it. We can go talk to someone, and we’ll work through this.”

He walked closer to me and brought his hands to my face and stared down at me, “I love you Emma. I just want to live happily with you.”

“I want that too,” I assured. “So much.”

As his lips lightly brushed mine Louis coughed awkwardly, “So now that you have figured your shit out, I’m going back to bed. You can thank me later, yeah?”

I turned to Louis and held my arm out for him, “Come here.” He walked over and wrapped his arms around Harry and I, “Thank you,” I mumbled between them.

“Yeah mate, thanks.”

Louis chuckled, “No problem. Couldn’t let you imbeciles just fuck up now could I? Now don’t kill each other when I leave!” He kissed the side of my head before he left.

I turned back to Harry after our friend left, “So are we okay?”

He smiled warmly, “I think we will be.”
♠ ♠ ♠
i wanted this to be longer but i don't have time to keep going.
also no time to proof read