‹ Prequel: My Little Earthquake
Status: work in progress...

I'm All Yours

I don't wanna ever love another, you'll always be my thunder

“Baby, are you ready?” Harry asked as he walked into our master bathroom where I was getting ready. We were headed over to Ed’s house to go over the music for the reception and the song I wanted to walk down the aisle too.

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. We’ve been doing much better since we started counseling. We had our second session a few days ago, and it went really well.

I smiled at him as he rested his chin on my shoulder, “Yeah, just let me throw my hair up and I’ll be done.”

He nuzzled my neck with his nose and placed a soft kiss right below my ear, “You smell good, Love.”

“Thank you,” I smiled. He let go and backed up as I pulled my hair into a long ponytail. Since we were just having a casual day, I didn’t bother with much makeup or dressing in anything too fancy. I had on a plain fitted t-shirt and jeans.

When I was done getting ready I turned around to face Harry. He was in a white v-neck shirt and tight skinny jeans and his while converse. His bird tattoos were peeking out from the top of his shirt. He looked good.

“Oi! You’re looking at me like a piece of meat!” He laughed.

I smirked, “You look right sexy, I can’t help it!”

He returned my smirk and placed his hands on my hips, “You look absolutely beautiful as always,” he whispered in my ear, and bit down playfully on my earlobe. It sent chills all through my body.

I wrapped my arms around him, “Maybe we should cancel on Ed and just go back to bed,” I said against his neck, then lightly scraped my teeth along his skin.

He let out a low growl, “God, as much as I really, really, want to do that, we have to get this done today. Ed is going to be out of the country until a few days before our wedding, so we have to do this now.”

I pouted as he pulled away. When he saw my face he laughed and kissed my forehead. “Fiiiiine,” I dragged out, “You win.”

He scoffed, “I don’t know is ‘win’ is the correct term here.”


“So one of my DJ friends agreed to do your reception. I just want to know like what music you want.” Ed said as we lounged in his living room.

Harry turned to me when he asked us, “Um…” I said, “I don’t know. I’m not too picky. Just please for the love of god no Rhianna, or Ke$ha. But I would enjoy some classics like Bowie, and The Beatles.” I looked between Ed and harry. I shrugged, “I don’t know, you know what we like.”

Ed nodded, “Cool. That’s what I figured, but I just wanted to check. What about your first dance song?”

“We want ‘Something’ by The Beatles.”

“Classic!” Ed commented.

“And I was wondering if I could ask you for another favor,” I said timidly.

Ed smiled, “Of course.”

I cleared my throat, “Well, I was thinking of walking down the aisle to ‘Wonderwall’ by Oasis,” I paused, “But I was wondering if maybe you could play it live?”

“You want me to play as you walked down the aisle?”

I nodded, “Yeah. I was thinking that you could tweek it so it was drawn out so it lasted the whole precession. You know I’m a huge fan of yours and I’d be honored if you’d do it.”

Ed gave me a huge smile, “You’d be honored? No, I would be the honored one. I’d love to do that for you!”

“Really?” I said excitedly.

He laughed, “Of course! I’m honored you’d want to have me included in such a big part.”

Harry snorted, “You’re joking right? You’re one of our best mates!”

“Oh stop it you,” Ed said dramatically.

We spent a few hours more with Ed, just catching up and talking about his mini American tour he was about to leave on.

“Louis wants us to come over for dinner,” Harry said as he walked back into the living room. “You want to come too?” He directed at Ed.

“Nah,” he shook his head, “I’m meeting Devlin at the studio in a bit, rain check mate.”

We said out goodbyes to Ed and headed out.

As soon as we opened the front door, flashes and chaos started. There were fans and paparazzi all over.

“Fuck,” Harry said under his breath, “Can’t catch a break can we?”

The paparazzi stayed a decent amount away, and the fans were somewhat calm… well as calm as they could be honestly. But most of them still glared at me.

As we moved through the crowd, Harry stopped here and there to sign and take pictures with the few fans.

The paparazzi yelled questions at us, which we ignored. They were mostly rude questions about the supposed ‘love triangle’ between us and Ed and details about our wedding.

When I got to the car, I leaned against it trying to ignore all the paps, and let Harry do his thing with his fans.

From the corner of my eye I saw a girl around 15 walk slowly towards me. I turned to make eye contact with her, with my guard up.

She smiled hesitantly at me and glanced back at Harry who was signing something for a set of girls. “Excuse me, Emma? I… I don’t mean to be a bother, but do you think you could give this to Harry and the boys?” She asked handing me a pretty thick envelope.

I took it slowly, “Uh, sure. But, why don’t you go give it to him yourself?” I said with a nice, confused tone. I saw no reason for my bitch side to come out, this girl seemed polite enough. Just nervous, which I totally understood, I’ve been there when in the presents of my favorite artists too.

She shook her head with a scared face, “I couldn’t. I don’t want to hold you guys up anymore than you already are. And I wouldn’t know what to say to him, but it’s all in the letter,” she gestured to the envelope in my hands.

I nodded, “Okay. But are you sure? He wouldn’t mind. We’re stopped anyway.” I glanced back at my boy and he was slowly saying goodbye to the other fans in Ed’s front lawn, paparazzi snapping pictures the entire time.

“I honestly don’t think I can speak in front of him. Talking to you is nerve racking enough!” She laughed nervously. “Congratulations on your marriage by the way.”

I smiled at her, “Thank you sweetie. What’s your name?”

“Em-Emily,” she stammered.

Harry was now making his way towards us, “Well Emily, I will pass on your letter.” She was shaky now that Harry was getting closer. I held my hand out too her, “Here, I’ll introduce you. Really, it’s no trouble.”

“I don’t think I could talk in front of him!” she squeaked out.

I clasped my hand around hers and smiled, “I’ll help you.” I turned to Harry right as he reached my side, “Haz, this is Emily,” I said as I pulled her closer to me, “She’s overly polite and didn’t want to bother you.”

He smiled warmly at the girl, “Hello Emily, I’m Harry,” he said holding his hand out.

“H-hi,” she barely said and shook his hand.

“She wrote you and the boys a letter, but I insisted she meet you herself,” I said holding up the letter.
“Please don’t read it right now,” Emily urged.

Harry chuckled, “No problem love, me and the lads will read it together tonight, yeah?” He gave her that famous dimpled smile of his.

“Thank you. Your band means so much to me,” she was still shaking and I squeezed her hand in encouragement. She glanced at me, “And your wife is an amazing person!” she smiled.

Harry beamed at the last comment and looked at me fondly, “She is isn’t she?” He turned back to Emily, “Do you think I could get a picture with you?”

“Me?” She said shocked.

He nodded, “Yeah, so I can show the boys who you are. I’ll tweet it too.”

She looked at me shock before answering, “Okay.”

Harry handed me his iPhone so I could take the picture for them. When I was getting ready to take the picture, I noticed some of the other fans were still standing around looking on in shock.

“1, 2, 3,” I counted, and then snapped the picture.

Harry then turned and gave Emily a hug, “It was nice meeting you love. Take care alright?” I smiled as I watched them.

“Thank you so much Harry. You don’t know how much this means to me.” She turned to me then, “And you too Emma. You’re lovely, thank you.”

I smiled and shrugged, “It was no problem.”

“Um, do you think I can get a hug from you to?”

A massive smile broke across my face, “Of course,” I said before wrapping my arms around her.

After that we said our final goodbyes and jumped into the car.

“That was a very sweet thing for you to do,” Harry commented as he laced our fingers together as he drove.

I shrugged and watched the scenery go by, “She was really nice, I wish more of your fans were like that.”

“Yeah,” he sighed, “So do I.”

When we finally got to the boys building there were more paparazzi waiting around. Like always. No fans though.

We walked fast past all the cameras and hopped into the lift.

“Being famous is so tiring,” I joked.

Harry wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek, “I love you.”

“I love you too.” We reached the correct floor and walked out.

As we turned the corner down the hall, we stopped in our tracks.

There, against his door, was Niall and Olive hardcore snogging.

After about 30 seconds, enough to register what was going on, Harry yelled, “Get it Niall!”

I smacked his arm as the pair pulled apart, embarrassed.

“Sorry, we’re sorry,” I said as I dragged my husband down the hall to Louis apartment. “Carry on,” I said as we passed, “But I expect all the details later, Oli!” I smiled cheekily at her.

“Sod off!” Niall said laughing. He unlocked his door and started to pull Oli in after her.

She smiled sheepishly at me, “I’ll call you later?”

“You better!” I laughed.

I turned back towards Harry as he continued to pull me to Louis’ door, “I never saw those two happening,” Harry said before opening Lou’s door and walking us in.

“That’s because you were too busy hating her to maybe see how alike they are,” I said with a cheeky tone.

He scoffed as Louis appeared in front of us, “Alike who are?” he asked.

“Olive and Niall,” I answered.

“Are they still out in the hall going at it?” I heard Eleanor yell from the kitchen where I could smell chicken being made.

“What? They’re going at it in the hall and you didn’t tell me?” Louis shrieked as we all walked into the kitchen where we found Eleanor tossing the salad.

She glanced over at us, “I didn’t tell you because I knew you would go cock block.”

Harry and I started laughing at her comment and Louis scoffed, “Whatever.”

“How’d they even meet?” Harry asked.

I shrugged, “Helping with wedding stuff I’m sure.”

Eleanor nodded as she handed Lou the salad bowl to put on the table, “He helped Mayra, Oli and I address and mail your wedding invitations, awhile back. They must have really hit is off.”

“Love is in the air!” Louis yelled dramatically.

“Or at least lust is,” El laughed.

“About time Niall got some, he was having one wicked dry spell,” harry laughed.

Eleanor and I exchanged looks, “Boys,” we said in unison.
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I'm sooooo sorry for the lack of updates!
i've been busy and unmotivated. I had to take a mini 1D break, because i was tired of Haylor being shoved in my face (not that i have a problem with t.swift, but don't give a flying fuck about their personal lives really).

anyways, this is ending soon sadly.

comments and messages motivate me to update fast!
thanks to everyone who's rec'ed and subscribed! love you all!