‹ Prequel: My Little Earthquake
Status: work in progress...

I'm All Yours

Tonight we'll sail to the edge of the world and watch the stars fall down

“What do you mean you ran into Dustin this morning?” Olive asked.

Olive, Mayra, Eleanor, Danielle, Gemma and I were all at the dress shop waiting to start our last dress fitting. We were currently sitting on the white leather couches in the back of the store.

I turned to Oli, “Exactly what I said; I ran into him this morning before work at the coffee shop.” I had mentioned when we sat down my run in with Dustin, who I hadn’t seen since that party when he told me off.

“Wait, who’s Dustin?” Gemma asked.

Eleanor jumped in, “This guy Em went to school with that totally wanted in her knickers.”

I rolled my eyes, “That’s not exactly how I would describe him.”

Mayra laughed, “Why not? That’s exactly what he is!”

“Whatever, just give me the details!” Oli interrupted.

I shrugged and told them the story.

When the barista called my name, I scooped up my drink and turned to leave. But when I turned around I came face to face with Dustin.

“Emma,” he rubbed at the back of his neck, “Hey.”

“Hi Dustin,” I said lightly, trying to pretend this wasn’t awkward at all.

I switched my coffee to my other hand, just for something to do, and Dustin’s eyes zeroed in on my left ring finger, “So it’s true. You really did get married.

I glanced down at my ring before looking up at him again, “Oh, yeah. I did.”

He cleared his throat, “Well congratulations. I hope it’s everything you imagined.”

“Thanks,” I said slowly. I gestured to the door behind him, “I should go, I’ve got to get to work.”

He instantly moved out of my way, “Sure yeah. Have a nice life,” he said, “If I don’t see you.”

I gave him a small smile, “You too,” I said before I booked it out of the café.

“Sounds a bit awkward,” Mayra commented.

El scoffed, “’Have a nice life’? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

I shrugged, “That he wants me to have a nice life?”

“He’s probably still a little bitter,” Oli said. “When he found out about you and Harry in Ireland he called me in disbelief. It was the first time I noticed how much he must have liked you.”

I looked down at my hands, “I didn’t mean to hurt him if I did. I never tried to mislead him in any way.”

“I know,” Oli patted my thigh, “But guys live in a different world than we do. He probably just misread your signals.”

“He’ll get over it,” Dani offered, “Can’t blame him for being hung up on you, you are fabulous.”

I laughed, “Thanks Dani.”

“Before the dresses get out here, I’ve wanted to tell you guys something,” She said changing the subject.

“Go for it girly,” El said.

“So…” She dragged out, “Liam and I have been talking again.”

“I knew it!” Mayra exclaimed. We all sent her shocked glances, “What? I had a feeling!”

Dani rolled her eyes and laughed, “Well I just wanted to tell you guys. We’re taking things slow, but I’m hoping for the best,” she shrugged.

I smiled, “I’m really happy for you. You both deserve to be happy, and that’s obviously when you’re together.”

“So everyone has a date to this wedding but me?” Gemma cried dramatically.

I rolled my eyes at her, “Like you aren’t going to be hanging out with my brother the whole time.”

“You’re mental, there’s nothing there!” She insisted.

Mayra laughed, “Right, and Oli isn’t shagging Nialler.”

“Hey!” Oli shot.

“No way!” Dani said, “You and Niall?”

Oli shrugged, “I don’t know, we’re just hanging out.”

“Right,” El and I said at the same time. We glanced at each other, sharing a smile.

“Oh shut it!” Olive said waving us off, “We’re just friends.”

“Yeah,” Eleanor said, ”Friends,” she said making one of her hands a circle, and pushing her finger through it, making a crude jester.

“I hate you,” Oli shot back right as our dresses were being brought out.
After we were done with the fitting we all parted ways, except Mayra and I. Zayn and Harry, as well as the rest of the boys had been out in interviews all day so Zayn was with Harry at our place waiting for us to be done with the dresses.

“I can’t wait to watch you walk down the aisle,” she said from the passenger seat of my car, “You look so beautiful in your wedding dress!”

I smiled but kept my eyes on the road, “Thank you. I can’t wait for you to get married so I can see how amazing you’re going to look in a wedding dress too.”

She sighed dreamily, “Yeah me either. I’ve been planning my wedding since I was a baby I feel like. Don’t look at me like that,” she snapped when she caught my smirking glance.

“No, no, it’s cute,” I insisted.

“Zayn and I have been talking about it more and more, you know?”

“Really?” I said surprised. I wasn’t that I thought they wouldn’t be headed in that direction, but I just figured they’d wait until they were in their mid-twenties or so. But, then again, they have been together for a good 5 years. I’ve never met a couple stronger than Mayra and Zayn. No fame or angry fans ever got in their way.

Mayra shrugged, staring out the window, “Yeah. I mean, we’re not running down the aisle after you and Harry or anything, but sometime within the next few years I think.”

“Dibs on bridesmaid!” I cheered.

She laughed along with me, “More like Maid of Honor, let’s be real here.”


We arrived at my house than, and wondered in.

When we walked into the kitchen we found Niall, Zayn and Harry. There were a couple bags of crisps on the counter where Niall was sitting, half eaten frozen pizzas on the middle island and Harry was bent over in the fridge looking for something.

Zayn however looked at us like a deer caught in headlights, “Uh…” he mumbled.

I took in the scene around me, “So… what happened here?”

Upon hearing my voice, Harry shot up and spun around to see me, “Baby! When did you get here?” He walked over and pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

“Just now… What’s going on here?”

“Starving,” Niall moaned.

I pulled away from Harry a bit to look at him. When I looked in his eyes, it all became clear to me.

“Are you guys high?” Mayra said with a laugh.

“We can explain!” All three boys shrieked at the same time.

Mayra and I exchanged glanced before we were overcome with laughter.

“Oh my god, are you guys high?” Zayn asked in disbelief. That just caused us to laugh harder.

Mayra made her way over to her boyfriend, “No, but you guys look more paranoid than usual,” she said before wrapping herself around him.

I leaned against Harry more, “Where’d you get the weed this time?”

“Ed hooked it up,” Niall said dumping the left over crumbs from a crisp bag into his mouth.

Zayn nodded, “Yeah we were planning the bachelor party, but then… got bored.”

Harry rested his chin on the top of my head, and pulled me against him more, “But we’re starving.”

I snuggled into him and laughed lightly, “I can make tacos or something,” I suggested.

“Oh my god!” the boys said in unison.

“Can you please, please do that!” Zayn exclaimed.

Mayra and I exchanged looks, “Yeah, sure,” I laughed.

“Oh my god, I may have gotten to a whole new level of loving you,” Harry mumbled into my neck.

I scoffed, giggling, “I don’t know if I should be grateful or offended.”

He kissed my neck, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I rolled my eyes. “Why don’t you guys go play video games or something and Mayra and I will let you know when foods done.”

Niall hopped off the counter and kissed my cheek on the way out of the kitchen, “You’re a saint Emma. You too Mayra!”

We laughed, “Thanks Nialler,” Mayra shot after him.

Harry brought his hand to my neck, capturing my attention again, “I love you,” he said again, looking down at me. His eyes were bloodshot and hooded, but he still looked fucking adorable.

“I love you too, baby,” I reached up and captured with his lips to mine softly. “You’re so affectionate when you’re high! Now go play, I’ll make you food.”

He smirked, “Okay,” he said softly. He pulled out of my grasp and looked over at Zayn, “Oi, this is my kitchen!” I looked over and Zayn and Mayra were in a very heated make out session.

They pulled apart, however when Harry yelled, “Sorry mate,” Zayn said as a blush flew across all his features, “You know how I get when I smoke.”

“Actually I didn’t, and I’d like to keep it that way,” Harry scoffed, “Now come on so they can make food!”


After Mayra and I cooked, and the boys devoured the meal, we sat around the table and just talked. Mostly about ridiculous stuff, seeing as the boys were still coming off of their high.

Around midnight the three headed home, Niall catching a ride with Mayra and Zayn.

“Thanks for the food, Em,” Niall said pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheek.

I patted his cheek, “No problem Nialler. It was my pleasure.”

Harry and I said out goodbyes to the other two before locking up the house for the night.

As we walked back into the kitchen he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed my temple, “You go do something, I’ll clean up the kitchen.”

I glanced up at him, “You sure?”

He kissed my lips, “Yeah. It’s mostly my mess anyway.”

I smirked, “Okay.” I wondered into the back living room and laid myself on the couch. I was tired, it had been a long day. From working the morning shift, then dress fittings and coming home to a 3/5th of intoxicated One Direction, anyone would be knackered.

I laid there for a few minutes and just enjoyed the quiet. The only faint sounds coming from Harry in the kitchen.

When I opened my eyes, I glanced at the piano in the corner of the room. It was rarely used. Usually Liam or Louis sometimes when they came over, but Harry wanted it because ‘everyone needs a piano.’

I got up and made my way over too it and sat on the bench. I opened it and lightly swept my fingers across the keys. I had taken piano lessons when I was little. Up until like 4th grade, but it was never something I loved. I never practiced, and I hated all the recitals, so eventually my mom stopped making me go. I couldn’t even remember the last time I played.

I started playing around on it. I played ‘Marry Had A Little Lamb,’ then ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.’ I could still play them almost perfectly from the years of having it drilled into my head.

Then, after I felt more comfortable, I started playing random melodies I had learned. Just letting my fingers take over really.

I jumped a little in surprise when I felt hands on my shoulder. I turned to look up at Harry, “Don’t stop,” he insisted, “You play wonderfully.”

I turned back to the piano shaking my head, “I’m just playing around. Nothing to write home about.”

He came around and sat next to me on the bench, “Oh I wouldn’t say that. Watching you play was sexy.” He placed one of his hands on the inside of my thigh, stroking his softly as his other hit a few keys. “I’m instrument impaired,” he commented.

“Well it’s a good thing you can sing,” I bumped my shoulder against his, “And you’re impeccable good looks.”

He smirked at me, “Are you flirting with me, Mrs. Styles?”

I batted my eyelashes at him, “Now why would I ever go and do a thing like that? I am married you know.”

“Well, he is a lucky man then, yeah?” He commented before he brought his lips to mine. His hand squeezed my thigh slightly, sending chills all over my body. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to his touch. Every kiss felt like the first—no, better. Every time we kissed, it topped the last ones.

Being with him was like breathing, I couldn’t survive without him, and I hope I wouldn’t ever have too.

I brought my hands to his neck, pulling him closer to me, deepening the kiss. I racked my fingers through his curls, tugging slightly, earning a low growl from the back of his throat.

I trailed kisses down his neck to his sweet spot and bit down gently on it. He hissed in pleasure, before he stood up, bringing me with him.

He stood in front of me staring into my eyes for a moment, before he reached down and pulled my shirt off. He chucked it behind him before he grabbed my bottom and placed me on the piano. He kissed my lips roughly then, before going down to assault my neck.

I rapped my legs around his middle, pulling him closer to me. His hands, which were caressing my thighs came around to the front of my jeans to undo them.

“Should we go to the bedroom?” I asked as he started to pull my pants down my legs.

He kissed along my chest as he finished taking my jeans off, “Why? We have a perfectly good piano right here.”

“Someone’s been reading romance novels,” I said cheekily.

He smirked up at me before he pulled down the cup of my bra and nipped at one of my nipples playfully. My body jerked at the sensation and I moaned out.

I started scrambling to pull his shirt off, and threw it blindly across the room, just wanting to feel his skin against mine.

His lips were back on mine for a moment before he pulled away and looked at me through lust filled eyes.

He looked down then as he started rubbing me through my panties. I groaned, “Don’t tease me like that,” I panted.

He chuckled, “I’m just trying to burn this scene into my memory. Why haven’t we ever done it on the piano before?”

“Well, we aren’t ‘doing it’ yet now are we?” I growled.

He tisked, “So feisty when you’re hot and bothered.”

I pulled him closer to me to whisper in his ear, “Just fuck me already,” I said before biting down on his earlobe.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, i think there's only 3 more chapters left of this.

and i've been really thinking it over and i think that this may be the end of Harry and Emma. I know i've been saying i wanted to do another story with them, but i think i've already dragged these two through enough yeah?
BUT i am thinking about my next story already. it won't have any ties to this one though. i'm starting fresh.
i'm thinking some nialler....

comments are always loved!
thanks to all of you who have been reading! love it!

this is completely unrelated to 1D, but idk what kind of music any of you are really into, but if you're into like some harder stuff, definitely check out Crown The Empire's new album :the fall out. it's fantastic.