‹ Prequel: My Little Earthquake
Status: work in progress...

I'm All Yours

I'm the king of this pity party with my jewel encrusted crown

I woke up feeling like crap. For a number of reasons. I had a headache, my stomach hurt and I remembered how much of a bitch I was last night.

I looked over at Harry. He was scrunched up on the other side of the bed, lying on his stomach with his arms tucked into his sides. Looking at his face right now made me feel even worse then I already did for being a brat. And how I acted towards Liam! It made me feel sick.

No, that may be the alcohol from last night.

I sprang out of the bed and ran to the bathroom barely making it in time to empty my stomach contents into the toilet.

I felt Harry move in behind me and hold my hair back.

“You don’t need to do that,” I said pathetically between dry heaves.

He kneeled down next to me, “It’s okay,” he said, his voice thick with sleep.

When I couldn’t through up anymore, I rested my head against my arm on the toilet, “No you don’t,” I mumbled, “I was horrible to you last night.”

He rubbed my back, “You were drunk. And I was being over protective, I get it.”

I pushed his hands away, “Stop being so understanding,” I practically moaned, “You’re supposed to call me a bitch and yell at me or something.”

“Well too bad cause I’m not,” he chuckled, “Come on, take a shower and I’ll get you some pain meds.” He helped me stand up.

“Thanks,” I said lightly.

He kissed my forehead, “Don’t mention it. Now get in the shower.”

The hot water of the shower felt so good, even with my head pounding. When I stepped out there was a glass of water and Advil on the counter. I downed them before brushing my teeth. I changed into a clean pair of Harry’s sweats and shirt before I walked out to the kitchen where I found Harry, in just his sweats and naked from the waist up, cooking and Louis sitting on the counter eating toast.

“There she is!” Louis practically yelled when he saw me.

I winced, “Not so loud.”

“Someone’s a delight when they’re hungover,” he commented.

I rolled my eyes and harry smacked his knee, “Leave her alone,” he turned to me, “You hungry?”

I was getting queasy just standing there, “No thank you,” I said as I sat at the table praying the advil would kick in soon.

Louis hopped off the counter, “Well, my turn to shower then!” he ruffled my hair annoyingly as he passed by me.

I got up to make a cup of tea. When I was dunking the teabag in the hot water I turned and watched Harry dump his eggs on a plate. He looked up when he caught me staring, “What?”

I shrugged, “I am sorry for last night.”

He leaned against the counter in front of me as he picked at his eggs, “It’s fine. I just hate when you drink, it makes me anxious. Especially when I’m not around.”

“I know, I’m sorry,” I added milk to my tea before I tasted it to make sure it was to my standards.
“Why did you drink so much? And where was Olive?”

I shrugged, “I wanted to just let loose. But I didn’t plan to get that drunk, I just ran into some of the other girls from school and it just happened. And Oli was off with Jake. I told her I’d get a ride back.”
“Right,” He said shortly, “You need to apologize to Liam,” He said when he finished off his breakfast.

I sighed, “I know. I feel horrid after how I acted.”

He moved towards me and wrapped me in his arms and kissed my shoulder, “We all have those nights, he’ll understand.”

“Yeah,” I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, “We’re okay though, right?”
He leaned back and looked down at me, “Of course,” he smiled, “I’m used to you snapping at me for no reason from time to time.”

I rolled my eyes, “Wanker.”

He smirked and kissed me softly, “You love me.”

“I do,” I said against his lips.

He leaned around me and grabbed my tea and stole a sip before handing it too me, “You always ruin your tea with milk,” he winced in discussed.

“It’s so you don’t steal my drink,” I teased.

He rolled his eyes, “Right. Come on, let’s go lay around so you feel better when you go fix things with Liam.”

I groaned, “I can’t believe I was mean to him. It’s like kicking a puppy, you just don’t do it.”

He laughed, “Good one.” He laced his fingers with mine and pulled me in the direction of his room.

Later, when we were just sitting on his bed watching the tellie, something he said last night popped into my head, “Do you really not like Olive?”

He sighed, “I don’t know. The few times I’ve met her was after you’ve been out drinking with her. It just seems like all you ever do with her is drink.”

I looked up at him, “That’s not true, when I was stuck at home after the robbery at the store, she helped me keep up with my school work. And she was lovely to you might I add.”

“And I’m grateful she did that for you, but I don’t know, I just feel like you have better friends.”

“Well you don’t know her well enough to judge,” I shot, “So just be nice.”



I knocked on Liam’s door a few hours later with cupcakes. Who can stay mad when cupcakes are involved?

When he opened the door he eyed me and the cupcakes, “Felling guilty?” He asked, not smiling at all.

I winced, “Yes. I’m sorry I was a bitch.”

He sighed and let me in. I walked in and put the plate of cupcakes down on the coffee table before I turned to him, “I know saying I’m drunk is the worse excuse in the world, but I was, and I’m sorry. I know you were just trying to do the right thing and I’ll do anything to make it up to you!” I rushed out.

He stared at me for a long hard moment before he finally sighed and cracked a smile, “It’s fine Em, I wasn’t even mad at you.”

“Oh… really?” I asked confused.

He walked over and grabbed a cupcake, “No. You were drunk. You were mostly just yelling at Harry than me anyways. These are good by the way,” He said after he took a bite.

“Oh,” I sat down on his couch, “Well I still apologize for my actions and anything rude I said.”

He sat next to me, shoving the rest of the cupcake in his mouth, “Apology accepted. Why did you drink so much anyway? I haven’t seen you that drunk in a while.”

I shrugged, “Well you’ve been gone for a year, so you haven’t seen me to a lot of things in a while,” I said cheekily.

He rolled his eyes, “Good point.”

“But I don’t know, I just wanted to have fun. And I was for the most part.” I poked at some of the frosting on one of the cakes and licked my finger.

“Really?” He looked honestly shocked.

“Yeah, why?”

He shrugged, “I don’t know, it just didn’t seem like the kind of party I would find you at.”

“It was definitely different, but fun.”


“So how was the party?” Mayra asked when I got home later.

“Intense.” I said as we laid on her bed, “But like, in a good way. They played all this rock and hardcore music that we love,” she nodded, “and there was more… thrashing around than dancing.” I laughed.

“Wish I went. I haven’t been to a ‘real party’ ever I don’t think.”

“We’ll have to find one this summer and go. I like being normal sometimes.” I said with a sigh.

She sent me a look, “Should I be reading into that sigh?”

“Well,” I shrugged, “I don’t know.” I paused debating if I should bring up what happened with Dustin or not, “Okay, so Dustin came on to me.”

“Knew it would happen eventually,” She scoffed. “Nothing happened though right?”

“God no, I shut him down before he could get too close,” I waved off, “But some of the things he said have been nagging at me.”

“Like what?” She said defensively. I knew she was jumping to conclusions.

“Well like, don’t you ever get tired of always being followed by people with cameras, or being harassed on the internet?” I sat up more, “Or not being able to just go out with our boyfriends without worrying about causing a traffic jam?”

“Yeah, sometimes.” She admitted, “But we knew what we were getting into.”

“No, I know.” I sighed, “And I love being with Harry, I do. It’s just sometimes… sometimes I miss just going out to see a movie, or being able to go shopping with him without being stopped by people.”

“Yeah,” She agreed, “I do miss that. But we also have perks that other people don’t. We get to see places people only wish they could, just because of out boyfriends. We get to meet people we’d ever get to meet. We get to go to VIP parties and red carpet events.”

“I hate red carpet stuff.” I muttered.

She rolled her eyes, “Yeah, but that doesn’t outweigh the other stuff. And you want to know the best part about being with them?”


She grasped my hand, “We get to love. We put up with all the bullshit because we love them. Would you really trade all that just to go to a movie on a Friday night?”

“No.” I said softly. She was making so many fantastic points that I almost forgot why I was stressing over these things in the first place.

Harry loved me. The boy I grew up with, the boy who has always been there for me though everything- loves me. And I love him. So much that sometimes it was almost too overwhelming.
I whipped a lone tear that fell from my eye, “You’re right. I don’t know why I was freaking out.”

She pulled me into a side hug, “Don’t worry, we’ve all had that moment. I did too. And El definitely has,” she laughed.

I caught sight of her promise ring on her right hand that Zayn gave her for their 3 year anniversary. I grabbed her hand to admire the ring I helped pick out, “God you two have been together for like, ever.

She pulled her hand back and gazed at the ring, “I know. Almost 5 years. Wow, it doesn’t feel like that long, but at the same time it does.”

“Did you ever think you’d last this long?”

She shook her head, “No, not at first. Especially when he tried out for X-Factor, I thought that was our end. But it wasn’t, and here we are, almost 5 years going strong. I can’t picture any future without him in it.” She beamed.

“That’s how I feel about Harry,” I mumbled, “But I always have. Even before we were together.”

“And that’s what makes you guys so strong. You were friends for years before you ever became something more. So you know each other inside and out. You’ll have a 5 year anniversary too.”

I laughed, “We haven’t even had a one year anniversary.”

“You’ve been with the guy two years dear.”

“Does the first year count if we weren’t even really together because I was being stupid stupid?”

“Yep,” she said matter of factly. “And even though he was gone most of this one, it counts too.”

“You’re so wise.” I joked.

“Don’t sass me bitch!”
♠ ♠ ♠

anyways, i apologize if this is not proof read very much. a cold hit me to i feel like death.

but enjoy. next chapter i'm speeding up time and things will start to get real.