‹ Prequel: My Little Earthquake
Status: work in progress...

I'm All Yours

Gotta tell the world how I feel about you

“Niall I’ve missed you!” I said, throwing my arms around the Irish lad. He had just walked into Harry and Louis flat when I rushed at him. He had just gotten home from seeing his family last night and things just weren’t the same without him.

He laughed hugging me back, “I missed you too Em.”

I sat back down next to Harry on the couch and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Niall sat on the other side of me, “So how were things in Mullingar?”

“It was good. I love going home and having my mom cook for me, and seeing all my other friends.”

“I love your moms cooking,” Harry commented.

“I want to go to Ireland,” I pouted.

Niall laughed, “You can come with me next time I go.”

“When are you going?” I perked up.

“You really wanna go?”

“Yes!” I exclaimed, “I’ve always wanted to go!”

“Since when?” Harry asked.

I shrugged, “Since like forever.”

“Well you’re more than welcome to come. I’d love to show you around my home.” Niall said.

“We should all go!” I was getting giddy. I squeezed Harry’s thigh, “Haz you promised me we’d go on a holiday when you got home. Well I want to go to Ireland with Niall!”

The boys exchanged looks over my shoulder, “If that’s what you want,” Harry shrugged, “Then I’m in.”

“Yes!” I grabbed his face between my hands and smacked my lips against his in a big exaggerated kiss. Then I turned and pulled Niall into a hug, “This is going to be so awesome!”

They laughed at my excitement, “So when do you guys wanna go?” Niall asked.

Harry shrugged, “It’s up to her.”

I pondered for a moment, “Let me check my work schedule, and talk to Seb and I’ll get back to you?”
“That’s fine. You just made my mom’s life though, she was asking when I’d visit again right when I left.” Niall laughed.

“You’re so taking us out drinking,” Harry stated.

I pointed at him, “Yes!” I smiled at Niall, “I’m so down for a real Irish pub!”

“This will be so sweet!” Niall agreed.


A month later we were all boarding a plane to Niall’s homeland. What started out as a trip of 3 grew to a trip of 8! Once word got around the group that Harry, Niall and I were going to Ireland Mayra and Zayn wanted to go, then Louis invited Eleanor and himself. And at that point we weren’t going to let Liam just stay at home by himself.

It took us all a month to figure out all out schedules so we all could go, but I knew it would be worth it. Things were going great in my life lately too. The fans and media started cutting me some slack with the harsh words when they all saw Harry, Ed and I all hanging out a few times. I guess that were actually starting to believe all of us when we said nothing was happening. There were still that few who refused to change their minds, but we all just ignored them like always.

“I’m so excited!” I bounced in my seat on the plane.

Harry grabbed my hand and kissed my fingers, “I love how excited you are, love.”

I leaned over and kissed him softly, “Thank you for this.”

“Anything for my girl.” He kissed me again.

“Oi, can you knock it off?” Liam groaned from next to Harry, “We’ll be landing in like 20 minutes, then you can do that in the privacy of your own hotel room.

“Someone’s bitter.” I stuck my tongue at him from across Harry.

He reached over and grabbed my tongue, “Ew! Liam!” I shrieked pulling away, “That’s so not sanitary!” He and Harry just laughed at me. I smacked Harry’s shoulder, “You’re supposed to be my protector you muppet!”

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, still laughing at me, “I’m sorry babe, but you asked for it!”
“Oh yeah? Well guess who won’t be getting it it tonight.” I shot crossing my arms over my chest
“Oooooh!” Liam sang.

Harry’s face instantly dropped, “I’m sorry, you’re right, Liam’s a tosser,” He turned to Liam, “Li, don’t treat my girlfriend, the love of my life, like that!” I laughed at his ridiculousness as soon as I mentioned no sex.

The rest of the flight was calm. I was so excited to land and start this holiday with my friends that I could hardly contain myself!

We had somehow managed to keep this trip quiet so there were no fans or paparazzi when we left or landed. We were able to get to the hotel undetected and it was nice!

“When are we headed to your moms?” Louis asked as we all piled into the lift to take us to our floor. We were staying in Dublin, which was only an hour from Mullingar, so Niall was staying at our hotel with Liam so we could all go out at night while we could before press got wind of where we were. We had a week here, and probably a day or two before the world found us.

“In a few hours or so,” he said as we all piled out into the hall, “So you guys have time to just hang out and all.”

Harry and I got to our room and set out luggage in the corner. It was a big room with a king size bed, with a big tv and big bathroom.

“Well, I vote we break in this bed,” Harry said wrapping his arms around me.

I giggled, “Oh you do, do you?”

“Yeah, I really do.” He said before he brought his lips to mine.


“I’m so excited to be here!” Mayra gushed as we were on our way to Niall’s parent’s house. Mayra, Zayn, and Harry and I were in one rental car while the rest of our friends were in the other. We were on our way to have dinner with Niall’s parents at their home, and we were all excited to have a normal night before we went out to a few clubs in Dublin tonight.

“So am I! This country’s so beautiful!” I said looking out the window at the Irish countryside.

Harry reached over and grabbed my hand, bringing my attention to him as he brought my hand to his lips.

“I love the enthusiasm from you two,” Zayn laughed from the back seat beside his girlfriend.

I turned to look back at them, “I’m excited we haven’t been found out yet, so we can enjoy this.” Mayra sent me a knowing smile. She’s probably the only one that knows how good I feel about that.

Dinner at the Horan’s was lovely. Mayra, Eleanor and I have only met them a few times, yet they made us feel right at home. Mrs. Horan’s cooking was amazing, like everyone said, and seeing how happy Niall was around his parents and brother was so sweet. We stayed for a few hours before we all decided it was time to head back to the hotel and get ready to go out tonight.

I kicked Harry out of our room so Eleanor and Mayra could come and get ready with me. We were going all out tonight. The bathroom was covered in out makeup and curling and straightening irons, and the room had different heels and a few dresses all over the bed as we tried to decide what to wear. El decided on this form fitting hot pink dress and black heels. Mayra went with this blue babydall dress with black lace, and black strappy heels. I decided on this white strapless dress with a black ribbon around the middle and black pumps as well. In short- we looked amazing.

We were all putting on the finishing touches when the boys knocked (more like banged) on the door, “Are you guys almost ready?” Louis yelled.

Eleanor rolled her eyes at her boyfriends antics, “I’ll let them in.” She opened the door and the boys poured in looking sharp as always.

Harry b-lined it to me and his hands immediately came into contact with my waste, “You look amazingly beautiful Emma.” He kissed my cheek, “I can’t wait to see this dress on the floor,” he whispered in my ear.

I smacked him but couldn’t contain my laughter, “Haz!” I kissed his lips lightly, “Behave.”

“You girls look lovely,” Liam said pulling my attention away from the cheeky boy in my arms.

“Now let’s go get fucked!” Niall jumped a little in excitement.

We all filtered out of the room then and made our way out of the hotel. We were staying in the city so all the clubs were in walking distance, which was a must if we were all going to be drinking.

The first club we came too was full of people, but not too packed. We went straight to the VIP area and all ordered a round of shots, even Liam was partaking tonight.

“To Ireland!” Louis toasted with a huge smile on his face.

“Yeah!” we all cheered and clinked our shots before we downed them.

“Let’s do one more, then go dance,” Mayra said. We all ordered another round, but Liam declined this time saying he wanted to pace himself, and Niall downed both his and Liam’s.

I kissed Harry hard and fast then, tasting the vodka on his tongue, “Come dance with me,” I purred pulling him to the mass of people, our friends trailing behind us.

As the night wore on, we bar hopped to 2 other clubs. We were all pretty intoxicated at this point.

I was dancing around foolishly with Niall, laughing uncontrollably as we tried our hand at the ‘gundam style’ dance that was blaring though the speakers. Harry and Louis were near us jumping around like the drunken idiots they were, Mayra and Zayn were in their own little world wrapped in each other in a slow dance.

Eleanor came through the crowd with Liam then, smiling at all of us. She grabbed Louis attention, “I’m tired, can we go back?” He stopped dancing and nodded, kissing her cheek. We all followed them out of the club when they told us they were leaving.

“You guys coming back with us?” Eleanor said turning to all of us.

“I’ll come,” Liam said. I think he drank more than he thought her would, he was swaying a little on his feet, but out of all of us he was probably the most sober.

“Oh come on, the night is still young,” Niall bellowed.

“I’m with this guy!” Mayra said throwing her arm around the blonde one.

Harry looked down at me, his eyes were dilated from the alcohol in his system, “You want to go back?”

I shook my head, leaning more into him, “No I’m good. If you want to stay out longer I’m in.”

“We’re gonna stay out for a while longer,” Harry said to the three as a cab pulled up.

“Don’t’ do anything stupid,” Liam warned but he laughed at the authority in his voice.

Zayn opened the cab door for our friends, “Don’t worry mate, we’ll be good.”

We watched them piled into the cab and drive away.

“So where too next?” Niall asked. His hair was ruffled up in different directions from running his hands though it drunkenly all night.

“There’s a bar a few streets down we passed on the way here,” Zayn offered.

“Let’s go!” Mayra giggled and grabbed my arm pulling me in the direction Zayn pointed too. We both almost lost out balance, but our boys caught us in time.

….And that was the last thing I remembered from the night.


I woke up to Harry’s phone ringing incessantly. I nudged him tiredly, “Harry get your phone.” I whined with my eyes still closed. I felt him get up as I rolled over on my stomach.

“Hello? …What?” He said, his voice thick with sleep, “Wait, what?” There was a long pause as he listened to whoever was on the phone. “O-okay,” he stammered. He sounded odd, but I was honestly too tired to care. I couldn’t remember coming back to the hotel, or even how we got back. “Shit,” He whispered. I opened my eyes, but instantly shut them when the light hit them. “Yes sir. Right away. Okay bye.” He hung up, “Emma get up.” He shook me.

“No,” I moaned and tried to swat him away.

He grabbed my hand to stop me, “Oh fuck. Get up now!” he snapped. I tried to pull my hand from his but he just held it harder.

“Haz, what the hell is your problem? And give me my hand back.”

“No, get up right now, I’m so serious right now.” The panic in his voice finally made me open my eyes and squint at him.

“Why? What’s wrong? Who was on the phone?”

“Simon Cowell.” He said still looking down at my hand for some reason.

“Okay…? Why are you freaking out?”

He sent me a panicked look, “Because we’re fucked. Apparently… apparently we got married last night!” He shoved my hand in my face.

On my left ring finger, sat a fat diamond ring.

“What… the fuck?” I breathed out.
♠ ♠ ♠
so at the last minute i decided to completely change what i was going to do with this story.
so now i'm redrafting everything.

i hope you like where i'm taking this...