‹ Prequel: My Little Earthquake
Status: work in progress...

I'm All Yours

If we go down, we go down together

I sat straight up and pulled my hand from Harry’s grasp to get a better look at the ring. This can’t be real. I’m dreaming. Yeah, I’m dreaming. Things like this only happen in movies, and Las Vegas. Which my life is none of those things.

I held my hand out as far as it could go as I stared at the rock on my finger, “Harry… What do you mean we’re married?” I asked slowly.

“Well, apparently we got married last night and there’s already pictures on the internet of it.”

I looked at him shocked. He had an equally shocked expression that I’m sure mirrored mine, “Where did this ring come from?” I looked back down at it. It definitely wasn’t fake. It was 1000% real. It was beautiful, but I instantly pushed that thought from my brain.

“I, uh,” He cleared his through nervously, pulling my attention back to him, “I kind of bought it for you a few months ago. I didn’t know when or how I would give it to you. Definitely not like this.”

All prior thoughts flew from my mind as I stared at the boy before me, “You were going to propose to me?” I whispered.

He looked deep into my eyes then, “Yeah,” He scratched the back of my neck, “I mean obviously we would have had a long engagement since we’re only 19, but I know I want to marry you some day… well I guess we already did that.” He winced.

The reality of the situation crashed around me again, “Do you remember anything? Because all I remember is parting ways with Liam, Louis and Eleanor and that’s it. Everything else is gone.”

He shook his head, “I remember going to the bar and drinking more, but nothing after that. But we have to get back to London as soon as possible. Simon wants me in his office first thing.” He whipped his hands over his face, completely stressed out.

“I can’t believe we got married… I can’t believe we don’t remember getting married.” I ran my hands through my hair.

“I know,” He moaned, “It’s like a fucking Friends episode.”

“We can’t be married Harry!” I shrieked. I was starting to freak out, “My mother’s going to kill me. You’re mother is going to kill us. Oh my god, and my brother is going to kick your ass!” I rambled.

Harry crawled over to me on the bed, “Hey, calm down. We’ll figure this out.”

“How am I supposed to stay calm Harry? We eloped in fucking Ireland and don’t even remember it!” I snapped. “I don’t know how to be a wife!”

“Well maybe Niall remembers? Or Zayn and Mayra? Maybe it’s not what it looks like! Maybe I just proposed to you, I don’t know!”

I took some deep breathes to try and calm down, “We need to see what everyone is saying online, and try to piece together our night. Let’s go to Liam and Niall’s room and use Liam’s laptop and talk to Niall. Maybe you’re right.” I said more calmly.

He nodded and took a deep breath too. His eyes looked stressed and I knew me freaking out wasn’t helping. I leaned over and pulled him into me in a tight embrace, “We’ll get through this Em, I promise.”

“I know.” I pulled away, trying to keep it together, “Let’s get dressed and go see what’s up.”

We both got up and started getting out fresh clothes, too panicked to shower, just in a hurry to get answers.

“Uh, Emma?” I turned to Harry where he was holding his pants from last night and a wrinkled up piece of paper, “I think this is our marriage license.” He said in disbelief.

I marched over and snatched the page out of his hand. All the wind was knocked out of me when I realized that it was in fact a marriage certificate. It had a date, place and time and our names were printed and signed at the bottom. How could this be real? How could we have possibly gotten so drunk that we got married? How could our friends have gotten so drunk and let this happen. I glanced at Harry, who face was paler than normal as he stared at the document in my hands. This was not how my life was supposed to go.

“Shit,” I groaned, “This actually happened.” I placed the certificate on the bed as I pulled my clothes on, Harry followed suit.

Once we were both dressed I headed for the door, but Harry grabbed my arm to stop me, “Hey,” he pulled me close and wrapped his arms around me, “It’s going to be alright. Just stay calm. Please?” He pleated.

I sighed into him and buried my face in his neck, “I’m trying.”

He kissed my neck and pulled away and cradled my face in his hands, “I love you.”

I smiled, despite the situation, and kissed him softly, “I love you too. But we screwed,” I laughed a bit.

He smiled, “At least we married the right people.” He tried making light of it.

“Come on. Let’s go see how much of our personal lives is all over the internet.” I tugged him towards the door. He paused to snatch the marriage license off the bed then followed after me.

We started knocking on Liam and Niall’s door, and it took forever for someone to answer, but Liam finally did, “You do realize it’s like 9am right? Didn’t you just get in?” Harry pushed his way past Liam into the hotel room. I smiled weakly at a confused Liam before following after my boyfriend… or husband.

“Niall wake up!” Harry yelled, throwing the blankets off the boxer clad boy on the bed.

Niall stirred, “What?” he said rolling over to send Harry a glare.

“What’s with you two?” Liam asked.

Harry threw the paper he was holding at Liam, “That is what’s the matter.” He said bitterly.

Liam studied the paper for a moment before he glanced at us, “This is a joke right?”

Before I could answer Harry grabbed my hand and showed Liam the ring on my finger, “Does this look like a joke?” Harry spat. I sent him a warning look and his eyes softened a bit.

Liam grabbed my hand, “Oh my god.”

“What are you lot going on about?” Niall asked sitting up and whipping the sleep from his eyes.
“We apparently got married last night,” I spoke for the first time since we entered their hotel room.

Niall paused looking off into the distance, “That actually happened?”

“You remember?” Harry almost yelled.

He shook his head, “Not really. I remember you proposing to her in the middle of the bar, which was followed by a lot of champagne toasts.” He paused thinking, “And I kind of remember Mayra and Emma dancing around with bouquets… Holy shit, you guys got married?” He said more awake now.

“I’m gonna go wake up everyone else,” Liam said getting up.

“Wait, we need your laptop.” I said, “Apparently it’s all over the internet.”

“Simon called.” Harry added.

“Jesus.” Liam muttered. He pointed to his bag where his computer was as he walked out of the room.
“You lot are fucked, no offence.” Niall said getting up to put pants on.

Harry glared at him, “Don’t you think we know that?” he snapped.

“Harry, now who needs to calm down?” I sighed as I grabbed the laptop and sat on Liam’s bed.

“Sorry,” Harry muttered and sat next to me.

I pulled up the web browser and googled his name. The first thing that popped up was an announcement of our marriage. I clicked on it and came face to face of a paparazzi shot of all of us outside of a little chapel. The white dress I wore last night made everything look even worse. In the picture Niall had both his arms up in the air and it looked like he was cheering. Mayra was laughing at him, and Zayn had his arm around her smiling at Harry and I. I was on Harry’s back, holding my left fist up in a similar cheering stance as Niall, and Harry looked like he just won the lottery. And we definitely all looked super drunk.

“I don’t even have to read the article to know how much shit we’re in,” I muttered. Niall came over to see.

He let out a long whistle, “This is so not good.”

“You think? Management wants Emma and me in their offices ASAP. I’m freaking out.” Harry said.

“Both of us?” I panicked. He just sent me a sad stare and nodded.

“You guys got married?!” Louis and Eleanor shrieked as they ran into the room with Liam, Mayra and Zayn.

I just held out my hand and El and Mayra ran over, “Oh my god you guys got married!” El said in disbelief.

“Do you guys remember anything?” Harry asked Mayra and Zayn.

Zayn shook his head, “Not a thing. I remember you proposing but that’s it. We drank so much more after that.”

“I don’t even remember leaving the club where you guys were doing the ‘gundam style.’” Mayra said still staring at my ring.

Harry filled them in on his morning phone call and showed them the picture online.

“I don’t even want to read the article,” I said.

“It doesn’t say much,” Louis said glancing up at me from the computer screen, “Just that you guys eloped last night and they’d fill us in when they found out more.” He shut the laptop, “I am so pissed off that I wasn’t there. Which one of you was his best man?” He demanded looking back and forth between Niall and Zayn.

“Not the time Lou,” Harry said with his face in his hands.

He rolled his eyes, “Sorry.”

“What the hell we you all drinking that even Niall blacked out?” Liam asked.

“A lot of pints and a lot of hard alcohol,” the Irish offered.

“What are you guys gonna do?” Eleanor asked.

I shrugged, “I guess go back on the first flight we can get?” I asked turning to Harry.

He pulled his face up and nodded, “Yeah, we need to get home like now,” he said pulling the laptop into his lap looking at flight times.

“I always thought Mayra and Zayn would beat everyone to the altar,” Louis mumbled.

“Louis!” Everyone snapped at the same time.


We managed to get a flight an hour later. Everyone offered to come back with us, but we insisted that they stay to enjoy the rest of their holiday that they could. Harry and I packed up as fast as we could and left.

My and Harry’s phone have been ringing off the hook with calls from friends, my mom and brother, Gemma and Anne. But we turned them off not wanting to deal with it all until we got back and talked to Simon.

The airport leaving Ireland was insane, and the airport returning home was even worse. There were fans and press all over. There was yelling and flashes, it was chaos. If Paul and 3 other big body guards hadn’t of met us when we landed I don’t think we would have made it to Harry’s truck alive.

“This is insane Harry,” I squeaked out trying to stay calm like he asked me too as we settled into the car.

“I know,” he said starting to drive away from the mob.

“Do you think we can stop at my place before we face the music? I want to shower and just have a few minutes to collect myself.”

He looked over at me and sighed, reaching over to hold my hand, “Yeah. Of course.”

When we got to my flat I dropped my bags on the ground and sat on my bed. Harry stood leaning against the wall, and we just sat in silence.

I can’t believe this was real. No matter how many times I said that too myself it still didn’t feel real. I was married. I was no longer a single being. I was a couple… by law. It was all way too much to even begin to comprehend. I was never the type of girl that spent her whole life thinking and planning her future wedding, but eloping definitely wasn’t how I would have wanted it to go. Definitely not at 19, and definitely not drunk to the point where I blacked out through it.

“I’m gonna shower,” I said as I stood up.

Harry stopped me as I passed and crashed his lips to mine. I gave in to it. I let him brush his tongue over my bottom lip, and I eagerly allowed him to deepen the kiss. I couldn’t tell what he was feeling in this kiss, what he was trying to tell me. Weather it was to comfort me or what, but it was totally what I needed.

“I love you,” He said against my lips. “No matter what happens, we’re in this together.”

I pulled back and smiled slightly at the irony. I flashed him my wedding ring, “I’d say so Mr. Styles.” I pulled away and started for the bathroom again, and paused at the door, “You coming?”

He smiled softly and followed after me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hate cliff hangers just as much as the next person, so i had to give you guys a bonus update today.

what do you think Simon will say? what do you think Emma and Harry will do?

comment pleeeeease! i want to know what you guys think of this plot twist!
but thank you to the lovely people who have commented! i love you to bits!