‹ Prequel: My Little Earthquake
Status: work in progress...

I'm All Yours

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years

My nerves shot through the roof when we entered Simon Cowell’s office.

“You two, sit down.” He sad as we walked in. Harry and I exchanged weary looks before we sat in the two chairs in front of his desk.

Simon stared at us for a moment in silence. His face was emotionless, so I couldn’t tell how badly we were about to be yelled at. I’ve only met him a handful of times; at X-Factor, a few parties for the boys here and there. But nothing outside of those environments, so this was new to me. When Harry reached out to grasp my hand, Simon’s eyes zeroed in on the ring on my finger that I had yet to take off.

Simon sighed and leaned back in his chair and looked like a very tired man then, “What am I going to do with you two?” He ran a hand over his face before looking back up at us, “You’re literally trying to kill me aren’t you.”

Neither of us said a word. What were you supposed to say in this situation? It was one thing to be reprimanded by your parents, but a whole other thing when it was your boyfriend’s head of management.

He turned to stare only at Harry, “This is bad Styles. How are we supposed to spin a drunken marriage in a good light? On top of that, you’re only 19, and you didn’t have a prenup. If she wanted too, she could leave you and take everything! Not that I’m saying you would, Love, but it could happen,” He said before I could defend myself.

Harry leaned forward, leaning his arms on his legs, “I know we really mucked it up, yeah? What do you want us to do?”

I flicker of sympathy crossed Simon’s face then. He sighed, “I know what it’s like to be young, I still remember. But you’re in the public eye. You have the world watching you, you’re better than this. Both of you are,” He sent me a look.

“What do we do?” I said softly. I grasped my hands rightly in my lap.

“You want my opinion?” He arched an eyebrow. We both nodded. Simon leaned forward on his desk then, “I think you should stay married.”

My heart stopped then. That was the last thing I expected.

“I think that you should release a statement that you had planned this elopement all along, and we should all just go along with it. If someone asks if alcohol was involved, you say you had some drinks for nerves, but you weren’t completely smashed.” Simon looked between Harry and I. Harry was running his hands through his hair, like he does when he’s overly stressed or nervous. I was sitting frozen in my seat, clasping my hands together so tightly that my knuckles were turning white.

“Okay,” Harry said breaking the silence, “We’ll st-stay married.”

What? We’re staying married? Is he mental? We’re teenagers Harry! What are you saying! My mind was going a mile a minute.

Simon must have seen it all on my face because he turned to me then, “Look, Emma. You love him don’t you?”

“Yes,” I said softly without any hesitation.

“And he was planning on proposing to you anyway, you would have said yes wouldn’t you?”

I nodded, “Yes, but we wouldn’t have-“

He held his hand up, cutting me off, “This is just speeding up the inevitable then.”

I stayed quiet. I knew he was just trying to make the best out of this situation, for everyone involved- and a lot of people are affected by this now that I thought about it. No matter what I said, I doubt I’d be heard.

Harry sat up then and pried one of my hands apart from the other and held it in his, “So what’s the plan then? We just go about our lives normally?”

“Not quite,” Simon said. I didn’t like that answer at all. “She’ll need her own security now. As your girlfriend there was already some issues, so now that she’s your wife, she’ll need someone there to make sure the crazier fans don’t try anything stupid.”

Harry’s hand tightened around mine, “That’s fine.”

“Wait, no it’s not,” I interjected sending Harry a glare, “I have a job and classes in a few months! I can’t have some body guard hanging around!”

“I guess there’s no talking you into quitting that little job is there?” Simon said. He sounded completely condescending, but I think it was just because I was irritated.

“That ‘little job’ is my future,” I shot.

“Emma, come on,” Harry tried calmly, “It’s for your own good. You saw how everyone was at the airport.”

“It’ll only be until things die back down Emma.” Simon added, “Not forever.”

I sighed in defeat, “Fine.”

Harry turned back to Simon, “What else?”

“You should probably move in together.” Of course.


We were on the way to Harry’s parents house. Simon suggested we take a few days out of the city to let the news of our marriage cool down. One Direction’s press team released our news officially as soon as we left Simon’s office, so things were going to get crazy he said.

“You’re really quiet,” Harry said. We had been on the road for an hour.

“I’m still trying to digest all this,” I said, not bothering to look at him, “I woke up married, it’s a lot to take in.” Harry pulled off to the side of the road then, “What are you doing?”

“We obviously need to talk.” He parked the car and turned it off so we were sitting in silence. He turned to me in his seat, “Will you look at me please?” I finally turned to him, “Thank you,” He sighed. “Look, I know this isn’t how you planned your life. And I’m sorry about that okay? This isn’t how I saw our future together starting at all either. But I need you on my side through this. Our families are going to eat us alive, and the whole world might try to break up down, but I need to know that you’ll be here by my side, with me. Stop focusing on the negatives and look at the bright side.”

I sighed. He was right. I was being selfish while he was trying to be strong for both of us, and it wasn’t fair. I reached over and laced my fingers with his, “I’m sorry. I know I’m not helping. It’s just everything is moving so fast. I woke up and we’re married, and now we have to move in together. It’s all so backwards!”

He shrugged, “Could be worse.”


He smirked, “You could be pregnant.”

I rolled my eyes, “Like people won’t think that anyways. Why else do people get married so young?” I laughed.

He smiled warmly at me, “I love you, you know that? I’ve known since I was a kid that I would marry you. We just accidentally sped it up.” He shrugged.

I looked down, “I guess.”

His hand came under my chin to being my eyes back up to his, “Nothing’s changed much. We’re still together. Just now you get to live in a big house with me and share my last name.” He sent me a cheeky smile, “I think Emma Rose Styles has a beautiful ring to it.”

I rolled my eyes, but smiled, “Why can’t you take my last name?”

He shrugged, “Would that make you happy? Cause I would do that for you.”

I leaned over and kissed him, “It’s alright. Harry Grace sounds weird.” I chucked against his lips.

He pushed his lips back on mine and we sat there, in the car, and kissed for a few minutes. Maybe he was right. We could do this. I could be married. We acted like a married couple anyways. Once we explained everything to our family’s things would be fine. They would understand. They’ll have too. And our friends were on our side. They’d be there for us. It was just the world we’d have to prove. But honestly I don’t care when anyone thought except for the people I loved.

“Come on,” I said pulling away from his lips, “Let’s go face your parents.”

“You got it Mrs. Styles,” He smiled at me.

I laughed, “You’ve been waiting to say that haven’t you?”

“Yes!” he sighed dramatically, “After the initial shock of it all wore off, I’ve actually been okay with this.”

My heart melted when he said that. There was so much love in his eyes, and his smile, it was hard not to be okay with this. I could do this for him. For us. And Simon was right, it just sped up the inevitable anyway.

I leaned over and kissed one of his dimples, “Take me to the in-laws,” I sang and leaned back in my seat.

He laughed and pulled back onto the road.

“One more thing,” I said after we’d been driving for about 20 minutes.

He glanced at me briefly, “What’s that?”

“We are not having kids for a while. A long while.” I stressed.

He laughed, “Fine by me, Love. I’m not ready to share you yet anyways.”

The rest of the ride wasn’t as full of tension like the first half. He held my hand the whole time and we talked about what kind of house we should look for and where. “I know you’re overwhelmed, but so am I. We can do this,” He assured me.

When we pulled up to the Styles’ house I noticed some extra cars, “Uh oh.” Harry said, “My sister’s here.”

“So is my brother.” I mumbled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's so short! but i wanted to get something out for you!
thanks to the people who've commented!
all of you that have subscribed and recommended this and the first story... it just means a lot to me.
and to those few who've stuck with me when this story was only supposed to be a one shot- i love you more than i can express

i've figured out how i want emma and harry's story to end. so this story will be the last of Harry and Emma if it goes according to plan.
kind of sad because i love them so much lol

ps is there really a Kiss You video coming?!