‹ Prequel: My Little Earthquake
Status: work in progress...

I'm All Yours

And I'll never need to know if we're gonna make it, Cause we're one, one in the same

Robin answered before we could even knock, “Your mom’s really angry.”

Harry sighed, “I kind of figured.” He squeezed my hand as we walked into the house.

We walked into the living room and found our family. The air was thick with tension. Anne gave us a hard stare, while Matt just glared at us. The only ones that didn’t seem completely pissed were Gemma and Robin.

“Sit down,” Anna barked out.

“Why is everyone treating us like children?” Harry mumbled as he pulled us to the empty couch.

“Because you are,” Matt shot.


“Don’t start Harry!” She cut off, “What were you two thinking? Oh, that’s right, you weren’t. You were drunk!

“Anne, I ca-“

She cut me off as well, “And you Emma! I thought you were at least smarter than this! What you two did is insane! What’s your mother going to say?”

I dropped my gaze, ashamed.

“Don’t yell at her,” Harry warned. I hear Matt snort.

“You two are getting this taken care of. You’re too young to be married.” Anna said a bit calmer now. I looked up and saw that Robin had put a calming arm on his wife’s shoulder.

“No we aren’t,” Harry said softly.

“What?” Matt said darkly.

Harry shifted awkwardly next to me, “We’re going to give this marriage a shot.”

“What are you saying?” Anne asked.

I cleared my throat, “That we’re moving in together, a-and starting our lives together early.” I mumbled.

It was completely silent after I said that. I glanced at Gemma, who had a shocked expression on her face, but sent me a little smile when she caught my eye.

“No, no this is bullshit!” Matt exclaimed shooting up. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up, “I need to talk to you alone,” He said pulling me to the backyard. When he practically threw the sliding glass door closed he turned all his anger on me, “What the hell are you doing Emma? This isn’t you!”

“I need you to just understand Matt.”

“Understand what?” He shouted, “That you’re throwing your life away for him? I’m sorry, I can’t just stand by and let you do that!”

“I’m not throwing anything away!” I shouted back, “I would have married him someday anyways, it just happened way sooner than we planned.” I tried to reason, “Nothing really has to change.”

He shook his head, “You don’t get it do you? Being his wife means everything changes. You have to be in the spot light more. His fans will be all over you way more than they have, people will want to know you. How are you supposed to work at the bookstore if you’re constantly followed by people wanting something from you? What kind of life is that Emma?”

I was going to lose it. I could feel a break down building up behind my eyes. “This would have happened eventually!”

“Yeah, but when you were older!” He yelled over me, “When you were mature enough to handle it all! When his fame died down, and he wasn’t part of the biggest band on the planet! He’s not just your Harry anymore! He’s Harry Styles, 1/5th of One Direction!”

“Don’t you think I know that? I’ve been dealing with his fame for years now!” I snapped.

Matt rolled his eyes, “I don’t think you’re really ready for what this means! You can’t just stay home while he goes to red carpets! Management convinced you that staying married was a good idea, yeah? They aren’t looking out for you, they’re looking out for his career!”

“Just shut up Matt! You don’t know anything!”

He ignored my plea, “Remember last year when you broke up for months? You guys fight all the time too! You can’t just break up after this! Breaking up not means divorce Emma! Courts, messy paper work. Everything!”

“Stop yelling at her!” Harry said as he walked out to the backyard.

“Harry, go back inside, I’m handling this.” I warned.

He ignored me and continued his focus on Matt, “Look what you’re doing too her, you’re hurting your sister just because you can’t stand the fact that we’re happy.”

“Don’t start with me kid. Just because I’ve known you your whole life doesn’t mean I won’t hit you.” Matt glared.

“Guys, stop!” I tried, shoving my body in between them, pushing them further apart.

“No, he has no right to talk to you like that!” Harry said.

Matt let out a sarcastic laugh, “Don’t tell me how to talk to my sister.

“I’m not, I’m telling you that you’re disrespecting my wife!” Harry shot.

That’s when Matt snapped. He pushed me out of the way and punched Harry in the face.

“Matt!” I yelled shoving him away as Harry stumbled a bit, holding his jaw.

Right when Harry went to lunge back at Matt the rest of the family ran out and Robin grabbed Harry in time as I tried the keep Matt back.

“Harry, Matt, calm down!” Anne warned. “Matt, go inside and cool off!”

He shook his head, “No. No I’m done. I’m leaving.” He shoved me off of him and headed back inside.
“Matt!” I called after him, but he just ignored me.

I was still staring after him when Gemma pulled me into her, “Just give him some time.”

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. “This is so fucked up Gem,” I whispered.
“I know.”

I turned to Harry right as he spit out blood, Anne fussing with his face. “Oh god,” I moaned. I walked over and grabbed his face to get a better look at the damage, “Are you okay?” It looked like the side of his lip was bleeding, along with the inside of his cheek.

He pushed my hands away, “I’m fine.”

“Let’s get you cleaned up,” Anne sighed. She and Robin started dragging Harry inside.

Gemma stopped me when I went to follow, “Let’s go talk, yeah?” The panic must have been easy to read on my face because she sent me a reassuring smile, “I’m not mad, I just want to talk.”

“Okay.” I sighed. I was already emotionally drained. This has been the longest day ever.


Gemma drove us up the hill that looked over Homes Chapel. She was going to take us for coffee but when we noticed how many people were about we decided to go somewhere less crowded.

“So you’re married to my brother,” she said as we looked off at the scenery.


“Can I see the ring?”

I extended my hand to her so she could get a good look, “Wow.” She stared at it for a moment before she spoke, “You know he called me before he bought this.”

“He did?” I asked surprised.

She nodded, “Yeah. He was so nervous. He didn’t know when he would give it to you, but he knew that now was the time to get a ring. Just in case an opportunity rose.” She smiled at me softly.

“You’re not mad like Matt is,” It was more of a statement than a question.

She shrugged, “Honestly, I kind of always thought you guys would run off and get married, since we were kids. Harry always looked at you like you held all the secrets of the world. Did I think it would happen when you were 19 and drunk in Ireland? No,” She laughed softly, “But I’m not surprised.”

I grasped her hand in mine, “Can I be honest with you?”


I bit my lip and I tried to piece together my words, “I don’t think I can do this.” I said softly.

She was quiet for a moment, “Then why are you?”

“Because I love him,” I shrugged, “Because I know it’ll be easier on him and his career if we stuck it out.” I sighed, pausing for a moment, “And what’s the point in getting divorced or an annulment when we’d probably just end up married again later?”

We sat in silence, my words hanging around us. The things Matt were saying here nagging at me. There would be more expectations from me now that Harry and I were married. I’ve seen it happen to other celebrities wives. People would want to talk to me, know what I was doing, just like they did with Harry. I didn’t like the spotlight. I was fine in the shadows, or where ever I was before this.

“Well,” she said breaking the silence, “I can’t tell you what to do here Emma. I’ve never been in this situation before. I want my brother to be happy, but I also want you to be happy. You’ve always been that sister I always wanted, and I’d do anything for you that I’d do for Harry.”

I leaned across my seat and hugged her. She’s always been the one I turned too when I didn’t think I could go to Matt. She taught me how to use tampons when I was too embarrassed to ask my mom. She was there to give me the real sex talk when my mom only gave me the ‘just wait until you’re married’ speech and Matt told me I should stay a virgin for life. She’s been the one I turned to for guy advice, or just went too when everyone else was driving me crazy. I don’t know what I’d do without Gemma in my life.

“I do love him,” I whispered, “I think in some ways I always have.”

“I know.”

I pulled away and sighed, looking out at the city below us. “I feel like… if I choose Harry, I’m choosing him over my brother.”

“You’re not choosing Harry over anyone,” she scolded, “Matt’s just being a twat right now. He’s over protective, always has been over you. He’ll get over it, and come around. Just give him his space.”

“But what if he doesn’t?”

“He will,” she said sternly. “I’ll go over and try to talk to him tonight.”

I sighed, “Your moms angry too.”

“Honestly, I think she’s more mad that she didn’t know beforehand.”

“No one did,” I shot.

She laughed, “Point taken. But I’m sure Harry’s over there right now talking to her and making her understand. You’re mom will too once you talk to her.”

I groaned, “Oh god,” I dug my phone out of my bag to turn it back on, “She’s probably freaking out right now.”

“I’d say so, if she’s anything like my mother; which she is.”

My phone started blowing up with missed calls and texts, mostly from my mom and Finn, “Shit,” I sighed, “I should call her.

Gem nodded, “Be my guest.”

I stepped out of the car as I speed dialed my mom.

“Emma Rose Grace,” she said as soon as she picked up, “How dare you run off and get married and not tell me.”

“I’m sorry mom,” I sighed. Here goes nothing, “Here’s the thing…” and I told her the whole story. Leaving nothing out. Like ripping off a bandaid. It was better to tell her everything, the whole truth than to lie. I would have to do enough of that to the press later as it is.

After I finished my whole speech I heard her sigh, “Oh Emma.”

I sniffed, whipping a few tears that had fallen away, “Please don’t be mad at me. Matt’s already not talking to me, I can’t handle if you weren’t either.”

She sighed again, “Emma, I’m not mad. Well I am, but that won’t help anything.” She paused before she continued, “So you’re going to stay with him? And move in together? What about Uni, and the store?”

“I’m going to keep doing both. At least I hope so,” I ran my hand through my hair, “I need to talk to Seb. I need to see how crazy the public will be. It’s all so much. So much has happened since I woke up married. I’m really overwhelmed.”

“I don’t blame you.” She paused, “Do you need me to come back and see you?”

“No,” I insisted, “You have enough to deal with, I’ll be fine. I am fine.”

“Emma,” she warned.

“I’m fine, I promise. I have Harry by my side. And Gemma. I’m okay.”

She was quiet for a moment, “I’ll be calling your brother and giving him a piece of my mind for the way he treated you.

“But I deserved it.”

“Yes, but not in the way he handled it,” she said annoyed.

I sniffed again, “I’m sorry if I’ve let you down.”

“You didn’t let me down baby,” she continued to reassure me as I cried softly, “Emma calm down. Everything will work out.”

“Okay,” I said weakly.

She sighed, “You want to make this right for me?”

“Yes,” I said instantly.

“I want you to have a real wedding.”

“What?” Would everyone just stop demanding things from me?

“I have been waiting your entire life to see you get married and you’ve kind of cheated me out of it. I want a real wedding for you. With your whole family there, not just your friends. And sober.” I could almost hear the glare in her voice at the end there.

I sighed and I took in her words, “I’ll talk to harry.”

She snorted, “I don’t care what he or his management says, I want this to happen. Do it for me.”

“I’ll think about it alright?” I sighed, “This is all so much to take in, it hasn’t even been a full day yet.”

“Fine,” she snapped. “I’m going to call Anne, then your brother. You call me if you need anything.”

“I will,” I promised.

When I got back in the car Gemma was blasting The Beatles through the speakers. She turned it down when she saw my face, “So how’d mama Grace take it?”

“Better than Matt,” I shrugged.

She nodded, “I kind of figured.”

“She’s also demanding an actual wedding.”

Gem raised her eyebrows in surprise, “Wow. What you say?”

“That I’d think about it. Talk to Harry.” I shrugged.

She hummed in response, “I think it’s a good idea.”

I snapped my attention to her, “You do?”

“Yeah,” She shrugged, “I mean, you’re married anyways, and it would be good for our family to be involved. And I’m sure the One Direction team would think it was good publicity,” She rolled her eyes.
I sighed, “I don’t know. Maybe. I don’t want to think about it right now, I’ve got enough going on as it is.”

“True.” She started the car, “Let’s just drive around for a bit.”

Gemma and I spent a few hours just driving and listening to music. It was exactly what I needed to just unwind.

When we got back to the house it was dark out. Gemma just dropped me off saying she was going to stop by Matt’s to see how he was doing.

When I walked in I found only Robin in the kitchen, “Want some tea?” he offered.

“No thanks,” I shook my head.

He sent me a sympathetic look and pulled me into a hug, “It’ll be okay darling.”

I hugged him back, “I hope so.” I sighed once we pulled away, “Where’s Haz and Anne?”

“In their rooms.”

I nodded, “Should I talk to Anne?”

“I think that’d be wise,” He winked. He handed me a cup of tea, “Here, take this into her.”

I found Anne on her bed reading. I knocked on the opened door, “Uh, Robin wanted me to give you this.” I said holding the cup up.

She sighed and waved me in, “Come over here baby,” she patted the mattress next to her.

I handed her her tea and sat down tentatively.

She sipped her beverage before putting it on the bedside table before turning to me, “I’m sorry if I came off a bit harsh earlier.”

“It’s okay,” I said softly.

She shook her head, “But it’s not. You two are adults, you can do what you want.”

“I’m sorry if we’ve let you down,” I said looking down at my lap.

She leaned over and kissed my head, “It’s going to take some getting used to, but you didn’t let anyone down. I wish you would have waited and did it the old fashioned way, but I can’t go back and stop what happened.”

I looked up at her, “My mom wants us to have a real wedding.”

She smiled, “I know. I just got off the phone with her before you came in.”

“Do you think we should?”

She ran her hand though my hair, like she’s done since I was little, “Yes. Like your mom, I’ve waited to see you get married too. Harry as well.” She chuckled, “Your mom and I used to joke that we’d see you two get married to each other.”

“Really?” I asked.

She nodded, “Yeah, what young mothers don’t wish their kids would get married? You mom became one of my best friends instantly when we met.”

“I know,” I smiled, “It almost seems like you two have been friends before Harry and I were even born.”

She pulled me into a hug, “We’ve always been a big family. Now it’s just more official.”

“Yeah,” I sighed, “It’s weird.”

She laughed, “Yeah, a bit.”

“I don’t know if I want a big wedding,” I said against her chest, “Or one anytime soon.”

She rubbed my arm softly, “You can take your time. You can even wait a year. We just want a real ceremony.” She kissed the top of my head.

I sat up and smiled at her, “I’ll give you one. Eventually.”

She rubbed my hand, and looked down at my ring, “My boy really does have good taste doesn’t he?” she smiled.

I admired my ring as well, “It really is an amazing ring.” I paused, “I should get him one too I guess.”

She perked up, “Hold that thought!” She jumped off the bed and disappeared into her closet. I heard her rummaging around for a few minutes before she came back over to the bed, “I knew keeping this wasn’t a total waste,” she said and plopped a ring in my hand, “It was Harry’s father’s from our marriage. He left it when I filed for divorce. Give it to Harry.”

“Really?” I looked up at her in surprise.

She waved me off, “It’s not like I have any use for it.”

I looked back down at the white gold wedding band in my hand, “Thank you.”

She kissed both of my cheeks, “Of course.” She looked at me, with both her hands still holding my face, “Welcome to the family, Emma.” She smiled, ”Officially.”

I pulled her into a hug, “Thank you for coming around. I know it’s a lot to take it, believe me. But it’s good that you’re on our side.”

She rubbed my back, “Of course, Love.” She pulled back and fixed my hair, “And your brother will come around too. He’s just stubborn.”

“I hope so.”

“He will,” she said knowingly. “We’ll all make him, trust me. Now go give my boy that ring, yeah? He’s been worried about you.”

I smiled, “Okay. I love you Anne.”

“I love you too.”

When I got to Harry’s room he was laying on the bed watching the tellie, “Hey.”

He sat up when I came in and shut off what he was watching, “Hey.” He pulled me into him when I sat next to him, “Are you okay? What Gemma say.”

“I’m fine,” I assured, “And she’s behind us. Are you okay?” I said referring the bruise forming on the side of his jar, and the cut on the corner of his mouth.

He winced slightly when I brushed my fingers over the bruise, “I’ll be fine,” he brushed off, “I talked my mom down. She’s doing okay now. For the most part.”

I nodded, “I know. I talked to your mom. My mom’s alright with it I guess too.”

“You guess?” He arched an eyebrow at me.

I shrugged, “She wants us to have a real wedding. So does your mom.”

Both his eyes widened in surprise, “Is that what you want.”

I shrugged again, “I don’t know. I told her we’d think about it.”

He kissed my cheek, “Whatever you want.” He said lightly.

I turned my face to him and smiled, “I love you.”

He returned my smile, “I love you too.” I closed the gap between us and kissed him. His warm lips felt like home, even after this crazy day we’ve had.

I kissed him for a moment before I pulled back, “I’ve got something for you.”

He brushed his lips against mine again, “What’s that?”

“Give me your hand,” I said grabbing his left hand in mine. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the ring and slipped it on his finger.

He looked at me curiously before looking back down at the ring, “Where’d you get this.”

“Your mom,” I said softly, “It was your dad’s from their marriage.” I shrugged, “It’s a bit big I see, but if we’re going to be really married, you need a ring too. It’ll do until we get you your own.”

He slipped his left hand under mine and laced them together, “We’re married.” He beamed at me resting his forehead against mine.

“I’d say that after these last few hours, that’s abundantly clear,” I giggled.
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i'm really happy with this chapter. i hope you guys are as well!