Status: Just started... Hope it's good. :3

I Met The Westerner At A Bar

One Vodka, Two Vodka, Three Vodka, Four.

He was just sitting there, at one end of the bar, not sayinga word. He looked drunk as hell, but I couldn't really say much, considering that I drank as much as he did on most days. He stared at his empty glass as I got the money from the last costomer in here, other than him. I sighed and made my way back other to him.
"'Nother refill?" I asked for at least the tenth time. He nodded glumly an I took his drink and took out a bottle of alchohol and began making him another.
"You're lockin' up, Hailey!" The bar's owner called as he went out the front door. I nodded and slid the man's drink over the counter.
"Y'know, this town's quiet." The man at the counter said with a slight slur to his voice. I nodded and started cleaning classes with a rag and some water.
"Yeah, I know. Where ya from, stranger?" I asked, smiling at him. He looked up and managed a weak one in retun.
"Here 'n there." I nodded and turned back to my glasses, when I realized I had already finished.
"Must be hell." He said. I looked at him.
"Livin' in a place like this." He said, looking around the empty bar. I nodded sadly.
"Yeah... It is. But I'm not gonna be here much longer." I said, hopping over the counter to sit next to him.
"Why's that?" He sounded really down... I couldn't imagine why, though.
"I've been saving my money. Gonna move to Vegas, get a bar of my own. I can't stand it here, the quiet makes me wanna scream." I sigh and lean back, closing my eyes.
"Yeah, ya got that right." I look at him and open my eyes.
"Alright, stranger. Your go. Why're you so glum?" He smiled and laughed weakly.
"Tough day." I nodded, signalling him to continue. He sighed. "Can I ask you a question?" I nodded.
"Why do good girls like bad guys?" I thought.
"You know, I've had that question for a real long time." He smiled and nodded.
"Another question?" I nodded.
"You're Hailey, right?" I smile and hold my hand out.
"That's right. Hailey Rogers of this shit town. You are?" He smiled and shook it.
"Ronnie Radke of Escape the Fate. And I'm currently drunk as fuck. Think you could be a designated driver and get me back to my bus?" I laugh and shake my head.
"Not til I've had a drink, Mr. Radke." I go back behind the counter and pour a shot of vodka. A stupid idea, if I've ever had one, but now wasn't the time to be thinking about that.

"One vodka, two vodka, three vodka... Four?" I counted the small bottles we had drained in the past hour and a half. He nodded.
"Y-yeah." He blinked a few times, his speech incredibly slurred. I had a nice buzz, considering I had had only half of what he did.
"Come on, let's get you to your bus, then." He looked at me and nodded.
"I'm ssurp-prised you can even... still... think. I can't talk for shiiit." He laughed. I couldn't help but let a small giggle escape my lips. Drinking was how I coped with shit. I grabbed my leather jacket off the hook in the back and the keys to the front door.

After everything was said and done, I walked over to my bike. I had been more wasted than this and gotten home just fine, so this would be simple. He stumbled along next to me.
"Just remember, don't let go, or you'll fall the fuck off and get nasty-ass road burn." He nodded and waited as I got on my bike and started the engine up before getting on behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
Generally, the owner of the bar was the designated driver, but he had left early, as you know, and I had to drive Radke to his bus before I could go home. So here I was.

"Here we are." I said, stopping the bike and turning off the engine. He got off and stumbled against the side of it, clearly drunk off his ass. I sighed and got off, helping him over to the door. He knocked a few times and a light came on. Someone appeared at the top of the few stairs and opened the door.
"Ronnie!" They shouted. He groaned.
"I wouldn't yell. He's drunk off his ass." He nodded and helped me get him onto the bus... Which was disgusting, but I won't go into grotesque details.
"His bunk's right there." He pointed to it and I nodded, helping Ronnie lay down on the bunk. He was still awake, to my shock. He should have been passed out by now.
"Okay Ronnie. Just fair warning, you're gonna have a killer hangover tomorrow. And I'm leaving. Nice talkin' to ya. Maybe I'll see you in Vegas." I smile and his grabs my wrist.
"H-hang on... What's your numberr?" I smile and pull out my cell.
"I think I should be asking you." He smirks and tells me. I save it in my contacts along with a quickly-snapped picture of him drunk. He smiles and passes out.

I walk to my front door and unlock it, hating how quiet and empty my house was nowadays. I pull out my phone when it vibrates and immediately flinch.
It's from Marco...
"Where the hell have you been, Hailey? And who was that drunk fag you were with?" He comes down my stairs and smacks me across the face.
I cound silently in my head, 'One vodka, two vodka, three vodka, four... Time to run for your front door.'
"Answer me!"
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Haidar. :3 I hope chu like it so far.