
Chapter 1 Part 1

Raven sighed, as her mother started to strike up a conversation, about the new house they were moving into. She blinked her eyelashes as she rolled her beautiful ebony colored eyes, and muttered, "I liked our old house." Her mother frowned, at her from the rearview mirror and said, "Raven, it was breaking, it was a bit creepy!" Raven sighed and said, "It was a genuine house! It kept breaking because, you wouldn't keep it fixed!" Her mother just gave a dissaproving look, sighing, and finally said, "I tried, try to at least like the new house, and treat it respectfully! That goes for you too Audrey!" Her mother cast a glance at her youngest daughter, who just nodded. Raven made an incoherent noise, before grabbing her headphones, and setting them directly on her ears, not wanting any sound other than the music she was listening to. She hmphed and closed her eyes, sighing then fell into a dreamless state, of sleep while listening to her favorite band, 'Black Veil Brides'.
The three of them, arrives there in the dead of the night. Raven's mother, deeply tired, yet had enough energy to go on. Raven had awaken earlier, now she looked upon the three story building, that was considered a house in front of her. She gaped at the largeness of the house. She shook it away quickly, not wanting her mother to see her awee at the house before them. She slowly unbuckled herself and opened her door, from the back and got out. She stretched grabbing her backpack, with all her car travel things in it. She sighed looking around, and spotted a patch of woods. She immediately knew that was where she'd go to be alone. She returned her ice gaze towards the front of her. She blinked, seeing that her mother, and Audrey were already heading towards the house. 'Typical, they don't even want to explore, just want to get this over with, like everything else.' She thought. She sighed once again, as she followed her uninteresting family into the grand, and creepy looking house. She wrinkled her nose as she smelt something a bit funny. It clicked as the wheels turned in her head. She knew what she was smelling, it was washing liquid, for windows. Her eyes widened as she came to a halt, in front of a marvelous, grand, and just huge stair case, cascading upwards into a spiral shape. The staircase consisted of being porcelain white, the light was bouncing and reflecting off of the staircase, and illuminating everything else, into brilliance. Raven glanced at her mother, before returning her gaze back to the living room. She did a double take, swearing she had seen a shadow, or something move. She shook her head, and left it be; her mind was probably just playing tricks on her.
Raven made her way up the beautiful staircase, and towards her room, having already known where it was. She opened the door, to her new room. She looked in, shocked at the size of her bed. She stared, mostly because it was a queen sized bed. She grinned, and dropped her backpack, to the side, and went and jumped on the bed, in awe. She smiled happily, at this. At least one good thing came of the new house. She was already in love. She then couldn’t wait until she saw her closet, and such. She saw a balcony, and took her converses off, before walking over towards her balcony. She stepped on the cold marble, a shiver or two going down her spine. She then smile, and leaned against the doorframe. She gazed out wondering what her new school would be like. She bit her lip, hoping like hell she wouldn’t have to hurt anyone, if they made the first move against her only in attack though. She heard a crash downstairs, and a scream. She ran downstairs, going down two steps at a time. She skidded to a halt right in the doorway, and said, “What happened!?” She saw her mom cowering in a corner. She ran over and said, “Mom? What’s wrong?” Her mother gasped and grasped her arm in her hand, and said, “I’m sorry, honey. I-I thought I saw a shadow moving, and the pot flew out of my hands,” Her breaths turned into ragged sobs. Raven frowned pulling her mother into a hug, and said, “Hush, come on mom. I’m sure you just dropped it on accident, ok?” Her mother gave a nod, and murmured, “Could you pick that up, while I go upstairs, and try to sleep?” Raven nodded, and murmured, “Yeah, Mom, go ahead.” Her mother smile and kissed her head with shaky hands, she picked herself up, and started to head towards the stair. Raven watched her disappearing figure, before looking around eyes narrowed. She then sighed, softly. Raven looked over at the pan, and picked it up gently, before putting it up on the counter. She then looked around once more. She shook her head, knowing her mind was just playing tricks on her once, again. She sighed though, worried about her mother. She heard Audrey come down and asked, “Why was mom crying?” Raven waved her off and said, “She dropped the pan, and is stressed, let her sleep, you should to.” Audrey rolled her eyes and said, “You don’t tell me what to do.” She mumbled a Goodnight, though as she went back up the stairs, and towards her own room. Raven chuckled, as she stretched, not noticing the watching eyes from the shadows. She yawned slightly, and popped her knuckles, and her neck. She then looked back towards the stair case. She then began to climb them. She got to her room, and closed the door gently. She walked in and got ready for bed,
including taking a quick shower. She dressed for bed, and crawled into the bed. She covered herself with the covers. She then curled into a ball, prepared for a restless night. She then forgot something, and grabbed her journal, and pen, and began scribbling down something. She wrote all she wanted, then sighed softly. Her heart pounding as she looked up, hearing an ominous sound. She shivered softly, and then got up, hair falling over her shoulder. She grabbed her metal pole that held her curtains up. She then took the curtains off it. She began her way downstairs, and looked around. She frowned, not finding anything that could’ve made the sound. Little did she know, that it was behind her. Creeping up on her, that is. She then sighed, turning around, and almost shrieked.
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Tell me what you think of it please :) Hope you like the story so far ^-^