
Chapter 1 Part 2

Jase (aka the ghost :)
Jase had been sitting up in his room, when they came. He heard the car drive up. He frowned not liking this. He dissolved into the wood, and downstairs. He sat down on the stairs, then disappeared hearing the door open. He gazed at them all, his eyes going from the little eight years old, to the older woman, then to the outcast, the teenage girl. He didn’t know what, but she seemed different from the other two girls. He floated over, making himself invisible. He smirked, seeing her shiver, and look around. He then floated away, and watched them all. Her sister, he figured was her sister anyways, went to her room, or where she guessed was her room. He growled, seeing Raven had his room. He heard the woman call the teenage one Raven, and the youngest Audrey. Now he knew their names, except the oldest woman. He didn’t need to know her name though. He had plenty ways to scare the hell out of her, without the help of her name. He moved into the living room, and noticed the girl, Raven, noticed something. He narrowed his eyes, now on his own guard. His face slowly changed, his lips going into an evil, smirk. He was going to have fun with this one. He now knew that she knew something was up. He never had anybody in the house, that actually knew he was haunting it, or even knew that something was up. He grinned, knowing this girl would be the first one to notice. Jase glared, seeing as she just went upstairs. He followed, and saw she had his room. He felt anger towards all of them now. “Fuck.” He said to himself, doing nothing more than making her shiver. He glared, and went downstairs. He smirked, seeing her mother. He saw her unpacking the kitchen stuff, including; pots, silverware, and pans. He noticed her holding a pot, and smirked once again, not noticing it was getting wider the more, he thought of what he was going to do to the woman. He finally decided he’d scare her. He popped up in front of her, and hit the pot from the bottom, making it fly out of her hands, his shadow coming into view. He heard her scream cold bloody murder, and chuckled. He loved it when they scream. He itched for it, most of the time. He noticed she began to break down, and went invisible once again, as he saw Raven come down, rushing towards her mother. He narrowed his eyes watching, completely ignoring the fact, that she was able to calm the older woman. He growled, his eyes slightly flashing a red color. He calmed and watched her, seeing what she told her mom, and such. He kinda felt like a stalker, but oh well. He watched her go upstairs, and slinked after her curiously. He got into his old room, and looked around, not happy about this at all. He heard her take a shower, and blinked. He saw her come out, and almost freaked. He was a ghost, but not a pervert. He quickly, made himself go out of the room, while she dressed. He went back seeing her in bed, and ready to go to sleep. He watched her for a moment, then saw her get back up and start to write in her journal. He rolled his eyes, and went downstairs. He stayed downstairs for awhile. He suddenly got really, really, pissed. He growled angrily, and went into the bathroom downstairs. He saw the mirror in there, and saw his reflection, and swore he saw his little sister’s reflection. He smashed the mirror with his fist, glaring at it. He didn’t bleed, nor was he hurt. He sighed, hating that. He hated being dead, he couldn’t eat, drink, sleep, he was forever awake. Until, of course, he passed on, but he didn’t see that happening. He saw Raven come downstairs with a pole, and raised his eyebrows slightly interested in what she thought she could do with that. He went over to her, and followed her turning visible. He smirked, as she turned around and said, “Boo!” She almost shrieked, he could see it. She glared at him, and said, “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?” She swung at him. If he hadn’t of been dead, that would’ve hurt. He glared and took the pole, and broke It and said, “You’re worst nightmare.” He practically hissed it, rather than saying it. She glared even more, and said, “Really now? You aren’t human, that much is clear, considering you just broke that, and that my weird, creepy, enemy is steel.” She said, and put her hands on her hips seeming fearless. “Why the hell aren’t you scared!?” He demanded, then suddenly wondered why he was arguing with her, instead of just scaring her out. “Because, I’m not scared of you!” She replied, rolling her eyes, and went to go back upstairs. He caught her arm, pulling her back and growled into her face, and said, “You will be.” He dug his nails into her arm. He let go, then disappeared into the air, letting her arm go as well. He soon growled, as he was in Audrey’s room. He smirked, seeing her sleep. He wondered what he was going to do to the little one. He then decided, in the morning, where her sister will see her. He then went through the wall, and saw Raven coming up. He noticed her cussing. He chuckled, and smirked. He then watched as she went into her sister’s room, making sure he didn’t do anything to her. He narrowed his eyes, this one was a cautious one. He hmmed to himself, as he watched her. He then watched her sleep, not knowing what else to do. He eventually just laid on the floor, looking out the window. He kept like that all night.
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All the chapters after this one, will be both of their POV joined together. So I won't have to seperate them, and make two different parts, to one chapter :D