
Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Raven woke up that morning, and yawned. She heard her mother tromping down the stairs. She rolled her eyes, froze, getting a kind of realization behind this. She got up, rushing into Audrey’s room, and grabbing her sister. She then ran back to her room, and slammed the door, locking it, before she put a few things in front of it, just for extra precaution. She sighed in relief, and looked around. Jase was curious as to know what she was doing. He raised an eyebrow, and floated through the door and looked at her, and said, “What the hell?” She rolled her eyes simply, and said, “Get out.” “You wish.” He replied, and smirked floating around. She growled, and saw Audrey stirring, and sighed, and went over, and held her on the bed, and tried to calm her before she even tried to freak if she so did. She then stroked her head and hoped she fell asleep gently. She watched as she did and covered her with a blanket before turning to face Jase, crossing her arms as she did so. She narrowed her eyes, and watched to see what would happen and what he would do. Jase just smirked, and said, “What? Can’t get me out?” he then crossed his own arms. Raven’s nerve twitched. “Get out.” She said. “What are you going to do? Make me?” He asked. She then shrugged, and reached at the bottom of her shirt, and began to lift up her clothing, her flat stomach showing now. He just waited. When she got to her bra line, he rolled his eyes, and said, “Bitch,” He floated out of the room, grumbling about how she was stupid. He sighed. Raven smirked, and said, “Dumbass.’ She dropped her shirt .She then stretched. She ran a hand through her crimson red hair. She was so bored at the moment. She then went out of the room, leaving Audrey sleeping. She then walked downstairs. She noticed her mom passed out on the couch. She saw Jase hovering above her, about to poke her. She gasped, and shook her head frantically. He shouldn’t do that. Damn! She’d get blamed if he did happen to do it. She shook her head again, making motions signaling for him to stop. She then went over stealth like. She raised a finger to her lips at him. He just raised an eyebrow in response to her. He was confused. What was so bad about waking their mother up? He didn’t get it. He snorted. He then shook his head at her, shrugging. He saw the mother stir. He frowned, not liking any of the family. Raven was the closest thing he had gotten to even thinking of someone as an acquaintance, and he hated her. Raven bit her lip, seeing her mother stirring. She then looked around. She saw the cabinet. She wondered…..She ran towards it, and climbed. She was amazed to see she fit in there. She closed it, hearing her mother get up. She had locked Audrey’s door, so she knew she was ok. She just hid there for the time being. She bit her a bit too much, feeling blood welling up there. She raised a hand to her lip, and wiped it off. She knew she’d have dried blood there, the garnet color staining her white skin. She’d just wash it off later, however. She eventually, after awhile of course, heard a slamming. She figured it was either the front door, or the door to her mother’s room. She came out of her hiding place, however, and looked around. She sighed. She glared at Jase, and said, “You’re a fucking ass wipe!” She sighed. She then shook her head, putting a hand to her beating heart. She would’ve gotten beaten if she hadn’t of hid when she had. She then sighed again. She glared at him one last time, before going to check on Audrey. She hoped she was ok. She soon found herself running up the grand staircase. Once up there, she unlocked Audrey’s door. She saw her still asleep. She sighed in relief. She fell against the wall, and slid down. She held her chest again, closing her eyes in relief. She was so happy she was ok. She didn’t know what she would’ve done if she lost her, or if she had gotten hurt from that witch of a mother.
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Sorry that it's so short! :( i've had writer's block for my stories!