
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Once Raven had made sure she was okay, she left Audrey to rest. She decided to clean the mess her mother had made up. She grabbed pillows placing them in their correct place. She had spent more than enough time on the living room. She sighed beginning to unpack all the kitchen knick knacks. That included the; pots, pans, eating utensils, and everything else that went in the kitchen. She sighed as she finished. Glaring as Jase appeared, she said, “Why can’t you just leave me alone!?” He smirked and said, “Aw, but I thought we were friends!” He snickered. Raven’s nerve twitched her fists clenching as she muttered, “You’re such a dick.” Jase smirked at her. Raven put her hands on her hips glaring at him. His smirk widened as blowing a kiss at her. Raven grabbed something behind her chucking it at him. She sighed and then rolled her eyes as it went through it. “Why can’t you be solid you jerk?” She mumbled under her breath sighing as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Nice try, Sweetheart.” He told her. Raven rolled her pretty hazel eyes. “Shut up.” She said simply. Jase grinned, going down to her eye level. “What if I don’t?” He asked. Raven looked at him fiercely, “Beware.” She hissed icily. Her arms went back to over her chest nonmoving now. He looked at her confused for a second, and then a small smirk laced his lips. He leaned forwards whispering in her ear, “Yes. Beware, of me.” He then bit her ear. She smacked at him. He disappeared before she could actually hit him. He snickered. “Asshat,” She said. She hated him. She really did. He was so annoying. God, he was cute though. If only he was nice, not a fucktard, she’d like him. She hated him though so none of that really mattered. She sighed, watching as he enjoyed his time up on the wall. She noticed something about him. He seemed rather…moody, as if he was bipolar or something. She shook it off. She coughed into her arm lightly. She really did not need to get sick. She knew she didn’t. That would make things worse on her part. She bit her lip, and hugged herself. She then began to make breakfast for herself, and Audrey. She bit her lip as she began to make it. She was making chocolate chip pancakes. She hoped Audrey ate some. She was making them for her. She hoped her mother didn’t catch her baking. Her mother was a bit of a jerk when it came to food. The woman demanded she had the most considering she was like a twig so was Raven but she couldn’t see straight half the time. Raven swore she was getting a liquor gut anyways, so it didn’t exactly matter to her that much. Jase smirked watching and heard that damn woman coming down the stairs and turned to look at her and then noticed Raven listening for something. Probably the woman. He hated the woman more than he hated the two imps. He sighed and then made something hit her mother in the gut sending her flying. He then smirked, and laughed hysterically. He was so damn evil! Fucking hell this was fun! He smirked and watched to see what they all would do. Raven scrambled from the table, grabbing Audrey as she did, going up the stairs, once she saw her mother was down. She carried Audrey to her room, and locked the door after closing it. She wondered why he helped her though. She shook it off, knowing he was going to come for Audrey and herself eventually. She looked down at the sweet little girl she held in her arms, and kissed her forehead sweetly. “Shh pretty girl, Mama won’t come in here hopefully. “She told her as she began to sob. She rocked her baby sister, vowing then and there that she’d always protect her from that damn lady, from anyone that would hurt her, from the whole fucking world if she so had to. She watched as Audrey calmed, her small arms around Raven’s neck. Raven pushed the little blonde strands from Audrey’s face and gave her a smile. “She won’t find us, A.” She whispered in her ear. She then heard her mom go to her room yelling and screaming. She winced when the door was slammed open. Her mom stomped past Audrey’s room and into her own slamming the door shut. Raven peeked out, and then right there was Jase’s face. She flinched a squeak coming out. He flew backwards laughing his ass off. “You did not just squeak!” He cackled. That was, until she kicked him in the face. Ghost or not, it hurt a bit. He then muttered, “Good thing I’m already dead.” He growled. He glowered at her. Raven glared back and then held Audrey to her. “Not funny ghost kid!” She said. “I’m not a kid!” He replied growled. “You certainly act like it then!” She replied. He narrowed his eyes and said, “You need to shut your damn mouth, little girl.” Raven rolled her eyes and hissed, “Do something.” She was pissed that he had helped her, beyond that she was confused as hell why he helped her. “Be careful of how you use your words. They might come back to haunt you.” He smirked. Raven sighed softly, rolling her eyes, and shook her head at him. “Damn puns.’ Audrey peeked out and looked at Jase. “Ravey! There’s someone in our house!! Is he your boyfriend!?” Jase’s face, as you can imagine, was one of horror. “Why in the sane hell would I date that!?” He asked and shook his head. “No…Just no.” Raven rolled her eyes, and let Audrey down, crossing her arms. “I’d rather kiss a cactus.” She muttered. “That’s all you can get.” He shot back. “That’s not your business now is it?” She retorted growling. “HA!” He replied. “See! I knew it!” He smirked. Raven rolled her eyes, and muttered, “You are still a child,” She paused and then continued, “probably won’t ever grow up.” She picked Audrey up again, and went downstairs, leaving Jase seething at the top of the grand staircase. Jase didn’t push her. For some reason he didn’t want to harm the child she had in her arms. He wouldn’t mind hurting the girl a bit. He wasn’t very fond of her. She needed to learn her lesson. In time she might. Otherwise she’d die along with that witch she called a mother. She was a wench anyways. It seemed as though she was as hardheaded as he was. Once she was at the bottom of the staircase, Raven set Audrey down and smiled letting her run around. She picked up the new house, seeing as it was dirty. She sighed shaking her head. She heard the doorbell ring. She glanced over and walked over and opened it.