Made of Wax

I'm made just like wax.
People try to form me the way they want, but I always make my own way.

Penelope Sanders is an eighteen years old teenager, who got adopted when she was two months old. She got adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, and suddenly she had two parents, and two older siblings. A brother and a sister.

Penelope never grew up with dancing in the family, but some of her friends from school got her to dance hip-hop, and from that day on, it was like she got sucked into a whole new and other world outside her home.

Penelope have a dream about going to Baltimore School of the Arts also known as BSA.
She wants to become a professionel modern ballet dancer, and make money of it. But the problem is, if she want to attend to the school, she gotta move from Huntington Beach, California to Baltimore, Maryland. Can she do it? Maybe, but let her finish off her couple of months in high-school at first.
This story is rated "R" during the language in it. I also got the inspiration and idea for the story, from all four of the "Step Up" movies. - I do not own any famous person that may be in this story, but I do however own the plot and the OC's like Penelope. Note: Channing Tatum ain't famous in this story, he's just a Gym teacher.