Status: Active! (:

Yeah Boy & Doll Face.

3, 2, 1 Don't Let It Go.

-Tony’s POV-
The show was over and everything was loaded on the trailer so now I could run around the venue trying to find Jessica. This girl was seriously the definition of perfect beauty. I swear though, it could be the exhaustion or something, but I swear on everything that I’ve seen her face before. It was so familiar. I finally found her at the bar, she seemed to have a few too many already.
“Hello, miss lady.” I motioned to the seat text to her and she nodded so I sat down.
“Why hello there s-stranger, don’t you have something to be d-doing right now?” She looked up at me and smiled. She was rather intoxicated, but her stuttering and slurring made it cute.
“Everything is done, so I was wondering if I could have a drink with you?”
“Go ahead buddy boy! Drink til your heart is content.”
I walked to the other side of the bar and made myself a drink, a shot and proceeded to knock them back.
“So I’ve got to say, you look oddly familiar. Have we met somewhere before?” I asked her with caution. She just laughed loudly.
“Mr. Cesar Antonio Soto Perry. Why yes, we are familiar with each other.” She giggled then hiccupped.
How did she know who I was? Let alone my entire name.
“We went to highschool together, in good ol sunny San Diego, California. I was fat, you were hot and popular. I told you I liked you, you laughed, made fun of me and dated my friend. Hi, I’m Jessica Baker, or also known as your blast from the past for the night.” She stuck out her hand and I was in shock. How did I fuck up this one 5 years ago?
“Jessie Baker? Oh my god I remember you…”
Holy shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's so short :/
My boyfriend came in and he doesn't know I write haha.
More tomorrow! I pinky promise!

xx- Jessica.