Status: Active! (:

Yeah Boy & Doll Face.


- Ashley's POV -

I hummed along to the radio as I worked, cleaning up my station before my next client. I worked at a local hair salon here in San Diego, doing all the usual stuff. I continued to hum along until my noon client came in. She was a regular of mine, older with a couple kids, and she always liked seeing new pictures around my work area. I had just one new one this time. Of my boyfriend and I on the beach, right before he left for tour a few weeks ago.
“How is he?” She asked as I cut her layers.
“Good. Working hard as usual. They’re going to be in Vegas tomorrow.” I said. She smiled and kept up with the small talk, telling me about her daughters first dance recital and how her son made the little league team.
I finished with her and cleaned up again. I had another hour and a half before my next appointment. I looked down at my phone, frowning a little when I saw Jaime’s face. I never complained about the touring, because I knew it was something he loved doing. I would never want to take that away from him but sometimes, it really sucked going home after a long day to an empty house. I thought about calling him while I had time but I wasn’t so sure about what they were doing right now. I gripped my phone in my hand and made my way into the breakroom. I had the call screen up, waiting for me to press the button. Just when I was going to back down from calling, his name popped up, showing that he was calling me.
“Jaime!” I said, answering as quickly as possible.
“Ash! Are you working?” He said. The sound of laughter in his voice just made me smile. I loved him but I would never say it to him. We’ve only been dating for about seven months and I definitely didn’t want to sound crazy.
“Yeah, I’m on my break. What’s up?” I asked, playing with my nose stud.
“Are you working tomorrow?” he asked.
“Nope. Weekend off. Why?” I said.
“Come up to Vegas! I miss you!” he said. I laughed and looked down at my feet. It would be really nice to see Jaime and the boys. And maybe getting out of here could be fun. And, it’s Vegas!
“Yeah, alright. I’ll come up.” I said after a few moments of silence. I heard him cheer loudly, making me laugh out loud.
“Can you stop by my place and bring me some more clothes? Pleeeease?” he asked.
“Of course.” I said with a giggle. We talked for a little bit longer, just about how tour was going. He said Tony’s got a girl with him, and that I was going to meet her.
I had to get back to work so I said goodbye and pocketed my phone again. I smirked at the thought of Tony having a girl. He’s always been such a little quiet boy, I was actually surprised. I really hoped I get to meet here. It would be nice to have another girl to talk to about the boys.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was written by my new co-writer MwahLoveYou.
Let me know what you guys think!
Another update is coming on a little later tonight.
Sorry for the delay.

xx- Jessica