Revenge is the Least Bit of Our Problems

Meeting the Band

Normal POV

We were at the back of the line. There was only a few other people behind us, but they moved the line along quickly. The girl behind us looked like a real royal bitch. I think that Bri could tell she was.

Then she yelled. "Hurry it up people!" Bri smirked at me, as she turned around and looked at the girl. Then Bri shouted,
"Shut the hell up! There are other people who like Simple Plan. Your not the only one!!" The last part got a little louder. I laughed. Bri gave the girl a fearful look, and turned back around.

The girl was a bit scared, you could tell! She only talked to the people that she was with from then on. And she spoke in a whisper. It seemed like we were already standing there for hours!

Bri was getting anxious. I could tell because she was so fidgety! "Would you hold still?" I kind of yelled.
"Sorry! Im sooo excited!"
"I know! But you look like you have turrets!" She just laughed. I laughed with her. Oh my gosh!

We are next! I could see Davids head poke around the guy in front of us. I think he saw me!

Davids POV~

"There she is!" I was really excited.
"Shut up!" Jeff snapped at me. I was acting like she was the celebrity, and I was the crazy obsessed fan! I saw Pierre getting excited too.
"Oh yeah! Snap at me. But at least I dont have starring problems!" Pierre snapped out of his thoughts,

"Hey Pierre! I think your drooling!" Pierre quickly wiped his mouth. Me, Chuck, Seb and Jeff all laughed. Jeff pointed forward with one hand, and poked me with the other.
"Hey.Look." As I looked up she was right in front of me.

Normal POV

David looked up. Our eyes locked onto one anothers. I made Bri go before me, so she was on my left. I thought I was going to faint. But I stayed up.

"Hi!" David exclaimed. I was shocked, but then again he is a goofy guy!
"Whats your name?" He asked, casually.
"Madison. Well, you can call me Maddy."
"Its okay. You can look at me!"
"I know."
I said looking up from my shoes. I was really nervous.

"Aw. I think that some one is a little nervous!" Everybody else laughed at Sebs comment. Including Bri. I just smirked.

"Dont worry. You dont have to be nervous! I dont bite. hard..." he whispered the hard. I smirked. I could see Bri starring at Pierre out of the corner of my eye. David signed my poster and T. He put a heart then signed his name. Our eyes staying connected the whole time.

Then that Bitch Bri yelled at behind us pushed us out of the way.
"Hi!" She exclaimed smiling. I wanted to stab her! I looked at Bri.
"Come on." She whispered. We started to walk away. David ran after us.

I quickly turned around, and walked back a bit. Bri just stayed there.
"Um... here!" David pulled out a small folded piece of paper from his pocket. I was really shocked. Then whispered,
"Sorry about that girl back there. She has been to about 500 shows... and has a HUGE crush on me. But I think that shes a bitch!" I smirked, and tucked my hair behind my ear. It was nice that he agreed with me and Bri!

"Well. Tell her that Im a bigger fan. And that I love you more." I said this quickly and started to walk away. I walked about 10 steps, then turned back around.

David was watching me the whole time. Not moving from his spot.
"David! Come on! You are a part of this band!" I heard Chuck yell.
"Yeah. Coming!" David waved to me, like a little kid.
"C ya later Maddy!" I laughed at how he was waving. But then I though. C ya later?