Revenge is the Least Bit of Our Problems

Dating the Man of my Dreams

Bris POV

I saw Pierre, MY Pierre standing over me.
"Um... Yeah. I- Im fine." He stared at me, as I stuttered. What? You would be nervous too if the guy you adored just bumped into you.

Pierres POV

It was her. The girl from the concert. She told me her name earlier. Bri. Yes! I wanted to dance and jump around, but I didnt. I put my hand out.
"Here. Let me help you up." Her hands are so soft.
"Thanks." She was adorable. As I pulled her up our chests collided.

"Its ok." After that a very long awkward silence followed. I could tell she was nervous.
"So... Where are you off to so late?"
"Sight seeing." Bri smirked.
"Oh. Well sorry to have to tell you But almost everything is closed. Unless you want to go sight see a fast food restaurant." She laughed at my comment.

"Oh. Yeah. I didnt think about the time."
"Come on!"
"Where are we going?"
"We are going for a walk!"
"Oh. Okay." She smiled as I grabbed her hand, and she gladly accepted my invitation.

Normal POV

We kept walking. We walked for a while. David pulled me closer and put his arm around my waist. He is so sweet. I love him! Then he quickly walked behind me covering my eyes with his hands, guiding me.

"Oh dont worry! Im not going to kidnap you... though very tempting..." "David. Where are we going?"
"Just wait. Were almost there!"

About 5 minutes later, I guess we were where ever we were going. David took his hands off of my eyes as he whispered in my ear
"Okay. Open your eyes." I slowly opened my eyes.
"Oh my gosh. David. Its sooo beautiful."