Revenge is the Least Bit of Our Problems

I Haven't Skipped in Forever

Normal POV

We headed back to the bus. Mine and Davids hands in twined, and we were skipping.
"Wow! I havent skipped in a while!" I laughed breathless.
"I do it all the time!"
"I figured." David smiled at me.
"I bet they went back to sleep."
"I would too." David opened the door once again, and we walked in. Jeff was on the couch, watching TV.
"Your back!" He smiled jumping up, hugging me.

"Yes I am. And you guys are staying at my place."
"Wait. All of us?"
"Yes Jeff. All of you."
"Dammit!" I just laughed at Jeff.
"Because. Long story short... Me and Bri took your hotel room. Ok? Ok!"
"Ill go get Chuck and Seb."
"Ok babe!" David yelled to me, as I went to go get the other guys.

"Chuck. Seb?" I called out their names.
"Yes?" I heard Chuck respond back.
"Hello again." I climbed up to the top bunk where Chuck was laying.
"Guess what?"
"Wait. Why are you back? Not that I mind."
"Im getting to that!"
"Ok. Sorry."
"Its okay. Anyways... guess what?"
"You get to sleepover! And please dont ask why."
"I wasnt going to..."
"Good." Chuck jumped down, and put out his arms to help me down.

"Thank you. Now wheres Seb?" Chuck pointed to the bed next to him,
"Under there." He smiled walking up to the front.
"Seb. Sebby." I thought he was faking.
"SEB! WAKE UP!" I soon fond out I was wrong, he wasn't faking.
"Whats going on?" Seb jumped up. I laughed.
"Sleepover!" I shrieked.
"Ok. Sounds fun." He said laying back down, but then jumped back up.

"Wait! What? Sleepover. Where?"
"Mine and Bris hotel room. Please dont ask."
"Ok. Sweet." I laughed then dragged Seb out of bed.
"That means you have to get your little lazy ass up!"
"Come on!" We walked up to the front.
"Everybody ready?"

"Ok. Lets go."
"Oh. Jeff, you will drive 'the beast', Chuck and Seb take the rental. And Me and you will stay in here." David smiled looking at me. Everybody nodded, as Chuck and Seb got off 'the beast'. And me and David sat down on the couch.
"Okay. Here we go."
"Are you sure Jeff can drive this thing?" I questioned.
"I heard that!"
"It was meant to be heard!" I yelled back up to Jeff.
"Believe it or not. He is actually the best driver out of all of us." David smirked.
"Ok." David put his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.
"Off to the hotel!"