Revenge is the Least Bit of Our Problems

At the Hotel

I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I remember I was slowly opening my eyes to David softly kissing my forehead, and poking me in the stomach.
"Maddy, Maddy. Wake up hunny." I could feel his warm breathe against my face.
"Hey." I smiled in a yawn.
"Good morin sunshine!" David blurted out, in more of a yell. (Too loud for just waking up.)

"Wh-what?" I sat up looking around, noticing I was in one of the bunks.
"I carried you back here."
"Yeah. You fell asleep in the matter of seconds."
"It's ok! I imagine why youre tired. It's 6 in the morning!" We both chuckled, as David sat down next to me. Putting his arms around me, and holding me like a baby.

"Don't feel bad. We are all tired."
"Yeah." A second later Jeff yelled from to us, coming into the back.
"We're here!" David got up, pulling me up with him. We walked to the front of the bus.
"Well look who's finally up!" Jeff joked smiling at me.
"Ok. We can grab as much as we can now, well our clothes and 'beauty supplies'. And get the rest later." I laughed as David said beauty products.
"Ok." Jeff and David both walked to the back, as Seb and Chuck walked in.

"Hey guys."
"Hey. In the back?" "
Yupp." And with that Seb and Chuck walked to the back to get their stuff. A couple minutes later they all came out to the front. Arms full with all of their stuff.
"Ok. Ready?"
"What about Pierre's stuff?" I questioned, pointing to the back.
"He can get his own shit!" David laughed.

"Ok. You want some help with your stuff?"
"Sure. Thanks babe." David gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Youre welcome." We walked off the bus, and into the hotel. I spotted Bri and Pierre sitting on a couch in the lobby.
"Hey guys!" I waved for them to come over to us.
"Wait. That's your friend?" Jeff's jaw hit the floor.
"Yes Jeff." I had to literally push up his jaw to close his mouth. I hugged Bri, and as I pulled away from her Pierre gave me a hug. David also ran around and hugged Bri.

I then introduced Bri to the rest of 'the gang'.
"Bri this is-" But of course was rudely interrupted. Jeff jumped in front of me. "
Hi. I'm Jeff."
"I know who you are. Im Bri." Bri smiled a bit weirded out by him already. That didnt take long.
"Nice to meet you Bri." Jeff took her hand and lightly kissed it.
"Ok! Ok! Enough of you Jeff!" Pierre yelled behind her.

"Bri. Seb, Seb. Bri." Seb smiled "
Hi!" "Hello."
"And this is Chuck. Chuck this is Bri."
"Hi." I smiled at Bri.
"Ok. Can we show you fine gentlemen to your room?" I used a very formal tone.
"Sure thing!" David smiled linking my arm with his.
"Just remember to tip your hostess." I winked at David, as his eyes grew wide. I lightly kissed his cheek.

Bri tries to walk up to me, but Pierre grabbed her arm.
"Whoa." He yanked her back.
"Let me be your escort."
"Oh. Why thank you kind sir." I laughed then remembered about Pierre's stuff.
"Oh yeah. And Pierre?"
"Hmm?" He was too busy gaping at Bri.
"You have to get your shit later."
"Ok." I think it hit him in the next minute.

"Wait!" I turned around, now looking at him.
"Why didn't you lazy asses get it?"
"Excuse me?"
"Not you Maddy. Them!" Pierre sounded evil and pissed at the same time, as he pointed at David, Jeff, Seb, and Chuck. David, Bri and I just laughed, as we entered the elevator.

"I wanna push the button!" David yelled like a little kid, pushing poor Seb into the wall. Trying to push it.
"David. Chill. You can push it!"
"YAY!" He quickly pushed it and crawled back over to me.
"Ha. Ha. Ha. I got to push the button!"
"I know. Now can you behave? At least until we get to our floor?"
"Oh. For you anything."
"Thank you." David raped his arm around my neck as the elevator came to our floor.