Revenge is the Least Bit of Our Problems

Daivd's in Love

David's POV

I love her. No doubt in my mind. She is beautiful, smart funny, fun. She is everything that I love, and more. She isn't like the other girls I have dated in the past, special. But in the best way. I wondered what Maddy thought about me, about us. How this is going to go after the week. It's only Tuesday. She goes back Saturday. Let this be the best week of or lives. I heard Maddy open the door, my last thoughts fading away.

"I'm back."
"I see." I smiled, jumped up and ran over to where she was standing, and threw her clothes all over the floor.
"David. My cl-"

I crashed my lips to Maddy's, making her fall. With me landing on top of her. After a minute our lips parted and we both laughed. I think she loves me too. I can only hope.

Normal POV

Me and David stayed on the floor for a couple of minutes. He never took his eyes off of me. I never want him to leave; I was to stay with David forever. After another minutes David got up, pulling me with him.
"I'm so tired." I wined.
"Ok." David grinned picking me up, like I weighed nothing, and flung me over his shoulder.
"David! Put me down!"
"Relax." He calmly stated.

He walked over to the bed, and gently put me down. I grinned. David walked over to the other side of the bed. He smoothly lay down next to me, wrapping me in his arms. I laid my head on David's chest. And in about 5 minutes, we were both fast asleep.

Bri's POV~

Pierre and I walked into the room I was going to stay in.
"Come on." Pierre grabbed my hand and we ran out to the balcony.
"It's so beautiful." Pierre joked, pretending to cry. I laughed at him, as he went behind me and put his arms around my waist.
"I'm really happy I get to stay here with you."
"Me too Pierre."

Pierre slowly spun me around and gently kissed me. I started to walk back into the room. And Pierre yelled after me,
"Hey! Wait for me babe!" He ran up behind me, and pushed me onto the bed.
"Good thing I was close enough, if not I would have been laid out flat on the ground."
"I wouldn't let anything happen to you." I smiled, and then yawned.

"Tired?" Pierre questioned.
"Then go to sleep."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. You take a nap, and Ill go get my stuff."
"Ok. Are you very sure?"
"Yes. Now go to sleep." I smiled at Pierre.
"Good night."
"Night." He gave me a small peck on my forehead, and in about 2 minutes I was out.

Pierre's POV

I waited for Bri to fall asleep. It didn't take that long. She looked so peaceful. I still wanted to know who Sean was, but I didn't tell Bri that. I didn't want to see her sad again. I looked back at Bri, sound asleep. She looked like an Angel. I love her. I love her so much. I'll have to tell her eventually. But not now, it's too early. I don't want to scare her off! I gave her a quick kiss on Bri's forehead and walked down to the bus to get all my stuff.