Revenge is the Least Bit of Our Problems

Jeff to the Rescue?

I quickly finished getting ready. I took one more quick look in the mirror and walked out. David looked over at me.
"Yes. You?"
"Yupp." I slipped my shoes on, then we walked out into the living room. Jeff, Seb, and Chuck were all asleep, sprawled out on the couch, and the floor. David looked at me then smiled evilly.

"WAKE UP!" Everyone jumped up, making me laugh.
"What the hells going on?" Chuck yawned still tired.
"Now that everybody is up... We were going to go get some food, coming?"
"Yeah. Sure." Everyone said in unison, as they headed to their room.

David then smiled at me.
"You want to go get Bri and Pierre up, or should I do it?" He expressed the 'I'.
"No. I will do it." I walked over to their room and lightly knocked on the door.

Bri's POV

There was a faint knock on the door. Pierre quickly opened it.
"Hey!" Maddy exclaimed.
"Shh." Pierre put his finger up to his lip, pointing at me. He thought that I was still sleeping.
"Oh." Pierre motioned for her to come in. She did, and sat down on the chair in the corner.

"What's up?" Pierre whispered.
"Well... We are all going to go get some food. You guys coming?"
"Yeah. Just give us a couple of minutes to get read, and I'll get Bri up."
"OK. Cool." Maddy slowly got up and carefully walked out, making sure she didn't 'wake me up'.

Pierre walked over to the bed and gave me a little shake.
"Wake up Bri!" I looked over at him, and he smiled.
"Good morning."
"We have to get ready."
"I know." I got up and kissed Pierre gently on the lips,
"I heard the whole thing."
"Oh. Ok."
"I'm going to go shower. Be out 5!" I yelled, walking into the bathroom.

Normal POV

I walked out of their room. David, wasn't anywhere in sight.
"David. David?" I called his name, no answer. I walked into the small kitchen area.
"Maddy!" David screamed from behind me. "
Ahh!" I yelled so loud that Jeff came running out of their bathroom barley covered,
"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." David smiled, trying not to laugh.
"Nothing? David you just scared the living shit out of me!" I yelled, me heart racing.
"Oh! So are you telling me I came running out of the bathroom, barley covered, because HE was fucking around?" Jeff yelled, tightening his towel.

"Pretty much!" David laughed, coming over to me.
"Aw... I'm sorry baby." He grabbed me, and pulled me into a tight hug. He then pulled away, and gave me puppy dog eyes, and stuck out his lip.
"Are you mad at me?"
"Aww. No I'm not mad."
"Yay!" David quickly kissed me, and then started dancing around, singing,
"Maddy isn't mad! Maddy isn't mad!" I laughed, as Jeff rolled his eyes and walked back into the bathroom.

David grabbed my hand,
"Dance with me!" After a couple of seconds David exclaimed,
"Going for the dip!"
"What?" He quickly dipped me down, and kissed me patiently before bringing me back up.
"Where did you learn that?" I questioned, breathless.

"I saw it in a movie once!" We both laughed, plopping on the couch waiting for everyone else to come out.