Revenge is the Least Bit of Our Problems

Only Pierre Wishes

Bri's POV

I came back out of the bathroom, only a minute after I walked in. Pierre turned to look at me when he heard the door open, "
He-. Oh. Wow. You're not going to wear that. Are you?" He questioned, noticing that I was only in a towel.
"Well... Maybe I am!" I laughed. Thinking I would get a different response, that the one that I got.
"Ok. It's your choice. I think you look good in anything you wear." He smiled.

"I'm kidding. But thanks. I forgot my clothes."
"Oh!" I walked over to my dresser, right when I went to open the drawer, Pierre jumped in front of me.
"What are you doing?"
"Let me pick something out for you, my dear!" He quickly turned around, as I backed up.

"Ok. Here!" He smiled, proudly handing me the clothes.
"Aw. Hey! Wait a minute!" I turned, facing Pierre. He had a sheepish grin stretched across his face, probably knowing what he was going to get yelled at for.

"You went through my underwear drawer!"
"What? I had to get your clothes!"
"Yeah. But not the undergarments!"
"That was my favorite part..." He blurted out, but quickly covered his mouth.
"Aw... I'm sorry." Pierre stuck out his lower lip, and wrapped his arms around my waist. Setting his forehead against mine,
"Am I forgiven?"

"Of course you are." I whispered. Pierre then leaned down, and gently kissed my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
"Whoa. Ok. I should go get ready now."
"Should you really?"

"Yes. Because if I don't I might loose this towel. And it wouldn't be an accident." I winked at Pierre, walking back into the bathroom, leaving him standing there, Staring at me in shock.