Revenge is the Least Bit of Our Problems

He's Back

"A- Andrew." I could barley speak, as I felt a sharp pain in my chest, but I tried to ignore it.
"Hey. I have missed you." Andrew ripped me away from Davids grip and pulled me into him. I jerked back.
"How did you find me?" I asked getting a bit louder, trying to sound tough.

"Your boss." David pulled me back to him, glaring at Andrew.
"Who the hell is this?" Andrew yelled, rather than asked.
"Go away Andrew. This is none of your business." David looked like he was going to have it out with him right then and there. I wished he would, but then again I really just wanted us to leave. Andrew was a pretty strong guy.

"So, your Andrew?" David questioned, trying to keep his voice down.
"Yeah. Who the fuck are you?" Andrews tone was much louder.
"Maddys boyfriend."
"Andrew, you knew. We are over." I stated, trying to end this,yet again.
"I don't remember." He said smug.

"Liar!," Bri yelled,
"I was there!"
"You know what?," Andrew yelled her direction,
"We don't need your mouth in this." "
Hey!" Pierre jumped in,
"Don't talk to her like that!"
"Shut the hell up." Andrew looked back at me. I was tightly wrapped around David.

"Andrew just leave!" I slightly pulled away from David's grasp, and also started yelling. Andrew tried using this to pull me closer to him, but I stepped back.
"No! You can't do this. I wont let you." He emphasized the 'wont'.

I glared back at him, fists ready. I knew that they were going to fight, and I really wish that he didn't bring the guy that I loved into this. He's going to hit him.[i/] Was all I could think as they stared each other down.

But out of no where, Jeff jumped in between me and Andrew.
"What are you doing?" I whispered. Jeff gave me a shove back. Andrew just yelled even louder.
"Who the fuck are you?"
"I'm Jeff, and I believe the girl, and every one else said to step off."

I just stood there, not sure what to do, or what to say. I didn't know that Jeff was a fighter, but I was wrong.
"Why don't you step off." Andrew growled at him, fists clenched tight.
"Oh. Ok." Jeff pretended to turn around, but he quickly turned back, and punched Andrew. Square in the nose.

I sat there mouth agape, as Andrew fell to the cement. David pulled me back even further, thinking the same thing I was, that they were going to fight. But Andrew just stood up, holding his now bloody nose,
"This is not over." He said glaring at me, as a threat.

Then he walked away. Everyone was silent, Jeff just looked shocked, that he actually just hit some random guy. I loosened David's grip around my waist, and walked up next to Jeff.
"Are you okay?" I questioned.

"I-I just punched someone." He whispered, still so shocked. I knew it, he wasn't a fighter.
"I know." I gave Jeff a big hug, that woke him up.
"Oh. Well, If this is how your going to react, I'll punch your enemies more often." He laughed.
"Thank you." I whispered, pulling away.
"No problem hun." He smiled, and I turned back to David.

"So." He looked down at me,
"Yes." I cut him off mid sentence.
"I know."
"I can see why you were afraid of him." He smiled a little, then wrapped me in his arms,
"I love you. I promise that I won't let anyone or anything hurt you." He whispered.

"I know, I love you too, and I trust you."
"Good, because I want you to feel safe around me."
"I do." After that we all walked back, in silence. We all needed to calm down after that one. I love having so many friends, that love and care about me. I really want this to work. It had to work, but I still was a bit unsure. I love David, and I truly believe that he loves me, but still there was that little part of me that was denying this whole thing, and I kept telling myself to wake up from this dream.

When we got back to the hotel, ma and David went straight to our room. David picked me up, feverously, and gently placed me onto the bed.
"I love you."
"I love you too, but David?-" He kissed me passionately before answering,
"Yes?" He questioned staring into my eyes, and then I lost all train of thought.
"Never mind."
"Okay." he smiled, realizing what he had done, and how little effort it took.