Revenge is the Least Bit of Our Problems

Unwanted Visitor

"Bri, Bri. BRI WAKE UP!!!"
"What-What time is it?"
'Its 7! We have to be at work in an hour!!"

"Oh My Gosh! Why didnt you wake me up?!?!"
"I tried, and then you actually used your foot to stop me!"

"Oh Sorry." Bri mumbled.
"Well just hurry up and get ready!" I yelled walking out of her room.

Later That Day

"Oh My Gosh! Im soooo sorry Mike!"
"Its ok"
"Oh here let me help you pick up your stuff."
"Its ok. You dont have to help."
"No. Its ok. I dont mind." We both bent down at the same time and bumped heads.
"Ow. Oh are you ok?"
"Yeah Im fine." We both smiled.
"Thank you."
"Your welcome"
"Maddy? You back there?"
"Coming!" I yelled back.

The voice sounded so familiar. "Well, bye Mike."
"Bye. Thanks again"
"Youre welcome! Anytime!"
"There you are!"
"Andrew, Im working. I dont have time-" Andrew kissed me and stopped me in the middle of my sentence. I hated when he did this.
"What? I miss you."
"Ive been busy, and I dont have to explain myself to you!"
"I havent seen you in a while, I wanted to see you."
"Well, Im working. So just leave."
"No! Im aloud to be here if I want!"
"Well, then just leave me alone!"

I screamed at Andrew, I dont want him to be there. I was so mad at him; he cheated on me and acted like nothing happened. Like he did nothing wrong. I was so mad at him.
"Just talk to me!"
"No!" I saw Mike watching us, and he looked like he wanted to kill Andrew. That made two of us.

Then he disappeared. I looked back at Andrew. And he looked mad, but I didnt care. He had no right being mad at me. I didnt do anything wrong!

Mikes POV

I watched him yell at her. I hated him for what he did to Maddy. Me and Maddy are best friends. Along with Bri. She had told me everything. I knew what he did. How he cheated on Maddy. I always loved her, I never told her though. Oh no! Shes looking at me, she sees me! I have to go get Bri. She was in the back.
"Bri, Bri?" I screamed her name, waiting for a response.
"Yeah?" I finally heard her and ran back there.

Normal POV

Andrew grabbed my hand.
"Come on."
"Where are we going?"
"To talk."
"No! I told you. Im working. I cant go anywhere!"
"Were going to the back."
"Youre not allowed in the back!!"
"No. But you are!"
"Lets go!" I tried to get away from his grip, but he wouldnt loosen his grip.

We finally made it to the back. I just wanted to kill him right then and there. It wasnt fair, nor was it right for him to be doing this. Mike had gotten Bri, and they were already in the back. They were pretending to be working, but I knew that they werent. They are my best friends. Even though things have been weird between me and Mike. We were all still best friends.

"Will you two excuse us?" Andrew asked, as if nothing was wrong. I ripped my arm away from him.
"We have to work! This is our job, and you work at your job. And right now we are working!" Bri had such a greeat attitude towards him. I love her!
"Well isnt there anything else you can do?"
"Andrew, they have to work. You cant make them stop working because you want them to!"
"Well fine. Then we will talk in front of them!"
"No! You shouldnt be back here! Im Not Talking!"
"Like I said, Im aloud to be back here because you work here and youre my girlfriend!"
"Not Anymore!"
"What? What are you talking about?"

"You herd me. I cant take it anymore. You should have known that this was coming!"
"No! You cant do this to me!"
"What? You couldnt have done what you did, but guess what?? You went and did it anyway! You cheated on me with some slut!"
"You dont-"
"Im not finished!!" I yelled.
"You ruined it! Not me. You can be mad. Whatever. But dont you blame me. Dont you dare blame me! I thought I could forgive you. I tried, but it didnt work. You hurt me. You really hurt me! So YES Im saying it is YOUR FAULT! NOT MINE!"

"Maddy Let me explain"
"Just leave!!!!"
"Good." I whispered.
"You will regret this." Andrew walked out the door, as I dropped to my knees and started crying.

Even though I was crying, I felt proud of myself at the same time. Finally let it all out, even though it wasnt the best place to do it in, but at this moment, I didnt care, Bri and Mike ran over to me. Somebody called Bri over to them.

"I can stay with her." Mike whispered.
Bri ran out of the room. Mike and I were the only two in the room. Mike had put his arms around me as I fell asleep in his arms.