Revenge is the Least Bit of Our Problems

I Need Answers

Pierre’s POV~

“Great!” I exclaimed walking back into my room.
“What’s wrong babe?” Bri questioned, walking over to me.
“David went somewhere. But he didn’t take Maddy. And he wants me to distract her until he gets back, well he said he would meet us at sound check.”

“Oh. Okay. Well, I can help distract Maddy at sound check. Calm down. He’ll be back. Wherever he went.” I gave Pierre a quick kiss.
“I know. Come on,” I grabbed Bri’s hand,
“We got to go do sound check.” I smiled at her, and we walked out into the living room to get everyone else.

Normal POV

“Come on! Sound check!” Pierre yelled, walking out of his room. He looked worried.
“Ok. Let me get my shoes on.” Chuck yelled, going to get his shoes. Jeff and Seb then cam out of their room, all ready. I also was ready to leave.
“Hey. Pierre?”
“Where’s is David?” I watched Pierre’s face drop a bit.

“Um. He will meet us there” He said quickly.
“Oh. Okay.” Just hen Patrick walked into the room.
“Everyone ready?” I paid no attention to anything as we went downstairs.

He’s going to meet us there. I kept replaying Pierre’s words in my head, Why would he meet us there? Why would he leave now? I needed answers.