Revenge is the Least Bit of Our Problems

The Note

Sound Check

“Where is he?” I questioned aloud.
“Hey. Don’t worry. He will be here.” Bri said, patting my bat.
“Hey babe.” I could hear the smile in his voice as he came up behind me.
“Hey. Where have you been?”
“Sorry. I had to get some stuff.” David put a rose in front of me.

“Aw. David. Oh. There’s a note here.” I went to turn around, but he was already gone.
“David?” Where did he go now? I thought, but then took the note out to read it:

Don’t worry love. You won’t see me again until the show, but go to the dressing room, and to my locker. You will find another note there [next to the rest if my stuff.] I love you more than you know...
Love Always: David

I smiled, and walked off the dressing rooms, following David’s exact instructions. I went to David’s locker in the corner, and sure enough there was another note and rose, on top of a white box. I opened the small piece of paper.

If I guess right the show will start in about a half and hour. Open the box, and you will find the final note. I love you.
Forever Yours,

I looked up at the small clock on the wall. He was right, the show would start in exactly 27 minutes. I looked down and opened the box, finding the final note on top....