Revenge is the Least Bit of Our Problems

Miami, Here We Come!

"I think that we should go to work. But only for a little bit. Then leave for Florida tomorrow!" Bri exclaimed. Out of nowhere...

"We can pick up our pay checks and leave. He did say that if we had a change of plans to let him know!"
"Bri, I dont think that he meant missing even more work."
"Well. He didnt specify. And I already got us an earlier flight."

"What? Well fine. But you are calling and asking. Well really telling him that we are leaving earlier!"
"FINE!" Bri yelled back at me, as she went to get her phone.

I saw Bri dial. "Hello?" I heard Mr. Brian. Great she had put it on speaker phone!
"Hi. Mr. Brian?" "
Yes this is. May I ask who is calling?"
"Oh. Yes this is Br- Sabrina."
"Oh. Ok. What are you calling for?"
"Well. Maddison and I wanted to know if we could come in for a couple hours today, get our pay check and leave early." Bri said with a hit of fear in her voice.

I was trying really hard not to laugh. Im a very giggly person. Then when Bri saw my face, she almost burst out laughing too.
"Well, when were you planning on leaving?"
"Around 6. Our plane leaves around 7. Oh yeah. I already got an earlier flight."

"Well, you wont get paid until 3, so yeah. If thats what you want to do."
"Thank you Mr. Brian! We will be there in about 15 minutes."
"Ok. Goodbye."
"Bye" Bri hung up the phone quickly.
"He said yes!"
"I know! But we have to go."
"Oh yeah. Ok lets go!"

All I could think about the whole time driving to work was Simple Plan. David Desrosiers, and meeting him! AAHHH!!!

Later At Work

I looked up at the clock.
"Oh my gosh!!"
"Oh sorry." Kerry, another employee had heard me.I was so loud.
"Well just dont be so loud when you have your out bursts!"

Bri came running up to me.
"Its 2:30! We only have 30 minutes left!! Then we get to leave!!"
"Yeah. Im excited too Bri!" Bri then took over at the register, and I walked to the back.

Mike was back there.
"Hey!" I exclaimed. I think I scarred the living shit out of him. He turned around very quickly and his eyes bugged out of his head! I laughed a little.
"Hey." He sounded sad.

"I heard you and Bri are leaving earlier."
"Yeah. We get our everything at 3, and leave." He still looked sad.
"Mike. Are you ok?"
"Me? Oh yeah. Im fine. Im just going to miss you. A- And Bri of course!" There was an awkward pause.

"Aww. Its only for a week. Its not that long. And we will be calling a lot!"
"Okay!" Then we started folding shirts. And putting things were they belong.

All of a sudden Bri barged through the door. Which scared both of us. She had two envelopes in her had and shouted.
"Miami! Here we come!" Then Mike whispered to me.
"Yeah. And they should be scared."
"Hey!" I playfully hit him. Then we both laughed and Bri gave Mike a hug, as they said their goodbyes. Bri then hurried out to the car. I turned and jumped into Mikes arms, hugging him.
"I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too." Mike put me down. Then I turned and walked out.

I got all my stuff, and walked into the parking lot. Where Bri was waiting in the car. Simple Plan blaring through the speakers. I ran over to the car, and rolled my eyes getting in. I whispered to myself happily.
"Miami. Here we come!"