Revenge is the Least Bit of Our Problems

The Concert

We got there early. I saw their bus, so did Bri. She shrieked! I dont think I could ever be so happy. Then Bri pointed out a place to park. There were only about 300 cars already there!

No, only about 30. I just like to exaggerate.
"Oh Man!" Bri was sad.
"What?" I questioned.
"I wanted to be the first ones there!" I was surprised that there wasnt more people there, to be honest. Then we parked and went to stand in line.

I looked over. I found myself staring at the tour bus. I thought I saw people moving inside. Then I took a closer look, as more people started arriving. I could see somebody looking out the window, and wait- No it couldnt be. Were they looking at me?

Then Bri grabbed my arm.
"Come on!"
"Oh. Sorry!"

We walked up. We wanted to be as close as we could to the people in front of us. So we wouldnt loose our spots. I looked back at the bus. Just as the door opened. My heart stopped, as Pierre, Chuck, Seb, Jeff and then David walked out of the bus. I couldnt believe my eyes.

David looked over at me and smiled. AHHH!! I shrieked! It was David looking at me in the bus! It was him!!! Could barley breath. Then everybody else saw them too and started screaming. I got shocked at first. Bri hugged me and we both started screaming and jumping up and down. They all waved and laughed at their screaming fans.

A second later they all disappeared, and the screaming stopped. Bri was just as happy as me.
"I cant believe it! We just saw Simple Plan!"
"Yeah! I know!"
My heart wouldnt stop pounding.

A couple minutes later the body guard finally started letting people in. We got 2sd row! About a half an hour later everybody started screaming! I knew it, Simple Plan had come out. I looked up, as they took their places on stage.

I could see Davids eyes wondering all over the place, as Pierre started talking. I didnt listen. The started playing Jump. David looked at me, as I gazed back at him. He kept his eyes on me for the longest time. It gave me butterflies. I still couldnt believe it. It was like a dream come true!