Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Branden's Friends...

When we got inside Branden got the phone, and started dialing my phone.
"Who are you calling?" I questioned, getting a bit louder than necessary.
"A couple of people."
"Branden! N-"
"Hey girl."
"Oh. Great." I rolled my eyes, walking into the kitchen.

I sat down on a stool, and put my head in my hands.
"Hey. Jess? What's wrong?"
"Him." I pointed in the direction of Branden, not looking up.
"Quinn. Who is he calling?" Quinn looked back at me, shrugging his shoulders,
"How am I suppose to know?"
"Oh geez."

A couple of minutes later, four people, that I have never even seen before came into the house. Two of them being girls, the other two guys. One of the girls having interest in Quinn, but he quickly said 'no thanks'.

Branden ended up making out with the other one, before the 'party' even started. He's so hopeless...

I didn't remember any of their names, nor did I want to. I didn't like any of them either. And I could tell that Bella felt the same way. But we pretended to laugh when everyone else did, and joke. We tried to have fun...

I'm not sure who made the joke, or why it was so funny, but I needed to get away. Even just for a second.
"Ha. Yeah. Um. I'll be right back guys."
"Yeah. Yeah." The guy who I think was Jake just nudged me off, probably hoping I would leave.

I got up, rolling my eyes. And slowly walked outside under the big 'umbrella tree' in my front yard, to the single swing that my dad put in there years ago. It was one of my favorite places to be. I was alone, and could just let my mind wander.

I sat there for a while, doing just that. Letting go of all my thoughts, and being alone. Until, I was pulled out of my little dream land by a slam of the front door.