Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Why Won't You Leave?

I ran out from under the tree, to find three of the for people walking- no. More like stumbling out of my house. One of them holding a bottle of liquor. Where could he have- Oh no! My parents office, they would have my head on a platter.

I ran over to them. I heard the door shut, but figuring it was the other girl, I didnt see who it was.
"Where in the hell did you get that?"
"Well." He slurred, "There w-was a b-b-big room, and bookkss." I could barley understand him, but that was enough for me to understand where he got it.

"The office?" I questioned mostly to myself. He swirled what was left in the bottle in front of my face.
"Give me that!" I yelled reaching for the bottle, but he pulled it away from my grasp.
"Et. Em. No. No. No."
"That's not yours! It's not even mine! Give it!" I yelled again, reaching for the bottle.

"Back of bitch." The other guy spoke for the first time. Then the drunk one laughed,
"What did you say?" I asked, looking at him.
"You heard me." I slapped him right across that face, mostly on a reflex, but soon regretted it.

"Oh. So that's how you want to play then." He raised his hand in the air, as I flinched away, preparing for the worst. But before he could even move any further I heard yelling form behind me.

"Hey! Don't you dare lay one of your dirty little mother fucking hands on her!" Jepha came running in between me and the other guy.
"What are you going to do about it?" He questioned.
"Go home." Jepha said sternly.

"What. Are. You. Gonna. Do?" The guy poked Jepha in between each word, dragging it out. He gave me a little shove behind his, trying to push me back farther. Then he glanced at the guys finger, still pinned to his shoulder. The guy just sat there, waiting for a response, but wasn't expecting what came from Jeph.

He quickly pulled his arm back, and let it hit the guy right in the mouth. I wanted to laugh, but sat there, refraining myself. Jepha just sat there, and shook his hand a bit,
"Go home." He said sternly once again, showing no signs of pain.

The other guy helped to the one that Jepha just punched up, and they almost ran to the car. That made me laugh, but just a little.
"Are you okay?"
"Of course I am Jepha, thank you. Are you okay?"
"Your welcome, and yeah. I'm prefect. I love you."
"I love you too, Jeph."

He kissed to top of my head, and then I pulled away.
"What's wrong?"
"Come on. I have some stuff to take care of." I said through gritted teeth, trying to keep the anger level down, but it didn't work, ad I was stomping to my house.

"Jess. Jess. Hold on!" Jepha tried to pull me away from the house, but I ignored him and just kept going.