Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Deciding what to do.

When we got downstairs Quinn was watching cartoons with Bert.
“Morning guys.” I smiled walking into the kitchen.
“Mhm.” They both mumbled.
“Okay then.” I poured some coffee into a mug,
“Where’s Bella?”
“Sleeping.” Bert quickly yelled.
“Okay. Hey guys. Guys?” Silence. That’s it.

I stomped into the living room, right in front of the TV, and hit the power button.
“Hey!” Quinn and Bert shouted, Jeph just laughed at how angry they were for me shutting it off. Quinn and Bert both took turns yelling at me, back and forth, until finally it was quiet.
“You done?”
“Yes.” They stated, crossing their arms.

“Good. Now that I have everyone’s attention,” I glanced at Bert and Quinn,
“What do you guys want to do today?”
“Oh. Oh. Lets go to the mall!” Quinn started bouncing on the couch, like a little kid.
“Okay. Lets go to the mall. Someone go get Bella up.”
“I’ll do it.” Bert grinned evilly.
“Be nice Robert.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.” He whispered, creeping down the basement stairs.

“Well. I’m going to go home. Get some clothes and meet you back here,” Quinn stood up, “You coming Jeph?”
“Yeah. I’ll come. Be back in 15.” Jepha smiled, giving me a quick kiss, “Love you.”
“Love you too. See you in a bit.” He gave me one more quick kiss, and started walking out, “Be back soon!” He called, before shutting the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry about the lack of updates.. this story was kinda on hitaus, but im back!

please let me know what you think!