Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Bert has a Break Down

“Where to first?” Jepha questioned, putting his arm around my waist. It was just me and him, Bella and Bert had gone their own way. And Quinn, who knows where he went.
“Lets just walk for until we actually feel like doing something, okay? I want to clean my head a bit.”
“That’s perfectly okay. Does this help?” Jepha asked, kissing me gently.
“A little.” I smiled, as Jepha kissed me again, a bit harder,
“Better now?”
“Now I’m just dizzy” I smiled.
“Oh. Well. I guess that I have done my job. He smiled.

Bella’s POV

We were going up the escalader to the second floor, Bert’s arm around my waist. And not a second after we got off did he already have a store picked out.
“Lets go in there!” he pointed shouting to an FYE.
“Okay.” He smiled, practically pulling me into the store.

Bert pulled me over the ‘S’ section, and pulled out a Brittany Spears CD.
“Bert. What are you doing?”
“You’ll see.” He smiled, I watched as he pushed the touch screen.
“Bert. Don-”
“Cause you know that your toxic!” He burst out into full song, and dance. At this point I was holding my stomach, dying of laughter.

I watched as people walked by, some laughed, and some just stared, which made me laugh harder. Bert tried to keep a straight face, as he continued to dance. After the song ended he just sat there frozen, shock and sadness on his face.
“It. It’s over.” He sobbed, dropping to his knees.

“No!” He yelled, turning even more heads as they passed. A lady working a the store walked over to me,
“Is he okay?”
“No!” Bert yelled to her. He got up, and hugged the now scared employee.
“Everything will be okay hun.” She said, a bit questioning.
“Thank you.” Bert sobbed one more time.
“Your welcome.” She smiled.

Bert then let go, and gave me a quick kiss,
“Lets go. I’m over it.” He chuckled, we started walking out,
“Thank you very much!” He yelled one more time to the clerk, who stared at us as we left.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok. the next chapter gets back to jess and jepha! :]

comment please. :]