Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Meeting Jepha

-The Next Day At School-

"Hello dear!" Bella greeted me.
"Yes I am." I smiled closing my locker. We walked to lunch talking about our day so far.

When we got to the lunch room Quinn and Branden were already there. I was going to ask where Bert was, but Bella beat me to it.
"Hello guys. Wheres Bert?"
"What? Were not good enough for you anymore?" Quinn laughed.
"No. I love you guys."
"But she loves Bert more."

"Oh. Shut up!" Bella and I sat down, still waiting for a response.
"Hes going to be late. He said he has a 'surprise' for us." Quinn said using air quotes.
"And you know I was right." He smirked looking at Bella. She just stuck out her tongue at him and laughed along. Knowing very well that Quinn was right.

A couple minutes later Bert walked over to the table. "Sorry Im late guys."
"Its ok."
"Ok. Well this is Jepha. His real name is Jeph, but he likes Jepha better. Anyways, he just moved back here, and we are really good friends, so he's going to be sitting with us. Ok? Ok. Great!"

"Ok. This is Bella. Quinn. Branden. And Jess." I looked up as Bert pointed at everyone. And I think that my heart stopped.