Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Feeling Guilty is the Worst Feeling in the World

We were all sitting in the living room, me and Jepha both covered in blankets.
“What is going on?” My dad questioned, in a calm tone now. So I told him about Jepha and me, and how we are now dating. I didn’t say anything about being in love, that would probably make them both go crazy, and I don’t want Jepha dead.

“What happened? Tonight?” He questioned, looking mostly, at Jeph. I didn’t anything until he looked at me, and he understood why. I knew he was mad, but it wasn’t just Jepha he should be mad at.
“Nothing happened.” And that’s when I started my lie.

“Okay. I fell asleep on the couch, and Jepha woke me up to bring me to my room. He was going to leave, but I told him he could stay, because it was so late. So, Jeph didn’t have any other clothes, because he didn’t plan on staying, so I told him to just sleep in his boxers, because I know how uncomfortable sleeping in jeans is.” It actually sounded like a true story, I was proud of myself, but of course I wasn’t done yet.

“So, why weren’t you wearing a shirt?” My dad questioned, trying hard not to look at Jeph anymore, keeping his eyes on me.
“Well, I was changing, and I was about to get pajamas on, when I heard a noise downstairs, you guys. But I didn’t know that it was you guys at first, so I panicked and that’s when we came down here.” I quickly finished. I knew that I babbled when I lied, so I made myself stop talking.

“Is that really what happened?” My dad looked back and Jepha, and then to me again.
“Yes.” I quickly said, stopping myself again from babbling on.
“Well. I’m sorry for yelling, and both of you.” He said, mainly to Jepha. They bought it? Well that was just too easy. Great. Now I feel guilty, they trusted me so much to know that I never lie, and now this. I hate the feeling of guilt.

“Anyways,” My mom said, opening her mouth for the first time tonight,
“We miss you, and this sounds crazy but our flight leaves in about 3 hours, so we thought we could stop home and at least say hi.” She smiled. Now I really feel bad.
“Well, thank you. I appreciate you stopping. I miss you guys too.” I smiled, and got up, giving both my parents a hug.

“Okay. We have to leave, but we love you. Good bye.” My mom gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, and walked out the door, but turned before she left,
“Good night Jeph.” She smiled, Jepha stood up,
“Good night Mrs. Fate.” She nodded to him, and walked out.

“We’ll see you soon. I love you. Behave.” He smiled, but I knew he was completely serious.
“I love you too. And I will.” I smiled humbly.
“Talk to you soon.”
“Okay. Love you. Bye.”
“Good bye.” He smiled, walking out the door.

After I watched the car pull away, I turned to Jepha,
“I’m so, so, so sorry Jeph.”
“Don’t be sorry. Be proud.”
“What?” I questioned, being proud was not something I felt right now, guilty maybe, but not proud.
“How the hell did you come up with a story like that?” He questioned. I laughed a little.
“No. I’m serious. I was afraid for my life. I laughed again,
“I don’t know. I have never lied to my parents before, guess I’m actually good at it.”
“Yes you’re very good at it.” He smiled, “So, what now?”
“I don’t know. I’m kind of tired.” I yawned.
“Well then. Let’s go to bed.” Jepha wrapped his arm around my waist, helping me up the stairs. Guess I was really tired. When we reached my bed, Jepha climbed in, and helped me in, and I laid my head on his chest.

“Jeph. I am really sorry.”
“About what?” He questioned.
“Tonight.” I sighed. But Jepha wasn’t mad at all. It made me love him even more, for not being like most guys, only wanting one thing.
“Jess. Don’t be sorry. It wasn’t meant to be tonight. Don’t worry, our time will come.” He chuckled.
“I know.” I smiled, kissing Jepha.
“Good night Jess.”
“Good night Jepha.”
I fell asleep not two minutes later, dreaming about when our time would come, and smiling about how good I imagined it being.
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more coming soon.

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