Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Saved by the Bell.

“Miss Fate? Miss Fate?”
“What?” Mr. Saran pulled me out of my almost day dreaming sleep.
“Please answer the question.” Well, that’s kind of hard to do when you I don’t know the damn question.
“I’m sorry. Could you repeat the question?”
“In what year-” Saved by the bell.
“We’ll pick up on this review where we left off on Monday. Have a good weekend. Oh. Jessica?” Fuck. Almost made it out.

“Yes?” I turned around.
“This is very important review. Make sure you have your head out of the clouds by Monday.” He said sternly.
“Yes sir.” I quickly said, walking out.

I couldn’t get to lunch quicker. The day goes by so much quicker after lunch, only having two periods. But today my mind was in such a fog, I didn’t even notice when Jepha wrapped his arm around me. When I finally did it startled me.

“Are you okay Jess?”
“Oh. Yeah. I’m fine.” I weekly smiled, hoping he would buy it. But Jepha knew me too well, and it wasn’t un noticed.
“What’s wrong?” He questioned, as we sat down at the lunch table,
“Is it your dad?”

“Jeph. I can’t concentrate. Finals start next week. I don’t know what I’m going to do.” Jepha pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me. I laid my head on his shoulder, and he kissed my head,
“Everything will be okay.” He reassured me.
♠ ♠ ♠

more soon children.