Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

The Greatest Gift Anyone Could Ever Receive

“Me?” Jepha locked his eyes back on mine.
“Yes. You. I love you more than anything or anyone in the world Jepha.”
“I love you too. More than you could ever know.”
“And. You said you wanted to get me the greatest gift for my birthday. And what I want you can’t find in a store.”
He laughed a little.

“Jess. Are you sure you want to do this?” He questioned.
“I have never been more sure.” I pulled Jephas neck down, pushing my lips up to meet his. We shared the most lust filled kiss we ever have. He slowly moved his hands down my sides, and my stomach until he reached me belt. He undid the buckle, and moved his hands back up my stomach, taking my shirt with him.

Every time his hands touched my bare skin, he left goose bumps, and they didn’t go un noticed. Jepha kissed my stomach a couple of times, before I couldn’t take it anymore. I started tugging at his shirt. He looked up, and smiled at me. I returned the smile, taking his shirt off.

After undoing, and removing the last piece of clothing from each other, Jepha looked at me, staring straight into my eyes.
“Your positive?” He questioned one more time.
“One hundred percent. Jepha. I love you.”
“I love you too Jess.” Jepha gave me one more passionate kiss,
“Yes?” I asked, my breathing uneven. He bent his mouth to my ear,
“Happy birthday.” Jepha whispered, making us both lose our virginity.
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theres 'the part'
more coming soon kids.

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