Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Talk About Bad Timing.

I finished my test within two hours, after carefully going over the test, I waited to be told that we could leave. I was trying to avoid looking up, but I had to see the time. I quickly glanced up at the clock. Great. There was still at least and hour until we would be able to leave.

My neck got tired after about 15 minutes of staring down at my lap. I lifted my head, deciding to stare straight forward for a bit. After another 15 minutes I put my head back down. Life is about balance, and my I couldn’t keep my neck in one position for too long.

Not 5 minutes after I out my head back down, did I feel a tap on my shoulder. I slowly looked up, seeing one of the proctors staring down at me. Her eyes full of sorrow. That worried me,
“Are you Jessica Fate?”
“Yes. Why?” I could hear the anxiousness in my voice.
“Could you come with me please?” She asked politely, taking my test off my desk. Oh boy. What was going on?
“Okay.” Was all I could come to say to this complete stranger, well to me anyway. She wasn’t a teacher I was familiar with, but I think I could stand her in a class. She seemed like a very nice woman. As we walked out of the room, I caught Jephas questioning glance my way. I just shrugged, more confused than he was at the moment.

“Jessica.,” She started when we got into the hallway.
“I’m sorry I have to tell you this. I really hate being the barer of bad news, but your mother called…”
“No. No. Not now, please. Not now.” I stated, shaking my head. I knew what she was about to say, but I didn’t want to believe it.
“Your father didn’t make it.” Now I was glad I didn’t know this lady, who’s name I still didn’t know. I store straight into her eyes, still in disbelief, until my vision was consumed in a black sea.
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more coming soon.
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: ]