Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Feeling Helpless.

Jepha’s POV

I watched Jess get taken from the gym. I watched Mrs. Ross as she talked to her, not sure of what she had said at the time. And I watched her fall, head first on the cool titled floor.
“Jess!” I yelled, jumping up. At this point I could really care less about the other teachers, fail me if you want to.

“Jeph. Please. Got sit down.”
“No. No. You don’t understand. That’s my girlfriend. I. Jess!” I screamed, trying to get out of the gym. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, as I tried to escape from the proctors, while they blocked the door. Making sure I couldn’t get out of the gym. Assholes.

“Sit down. She will be fine.” I begged for them to just let me out, just to see her, make sure she was okay. But they refused to budge.
“Look, young man. You can get into a lot of trouble, just for getting out of your seat. So why don’t you just go sit down, and we'll make sure she’s all right.”

I turned, acting like I was really going to sit down. I quickly ran pass them, over to where Jess was lying on the floor.
“Jess!” I picked up her head, trying to get her up,
“Jess! Honey, it’s me. Jess. Please, wake up.” I could feel the tears pool up in my eyes.

Not even a second later did they have the school police officer taking my to the office.
“No! Jess!” I struggled to get away, but that cop is stronger than he looks.
“Calm down. You’ll get to see her later, she’ll be fine. Right now you have to go to the office with me young man.”

I wanted to drop to my knees, and just cry. I wanted to so badly be right with her now. She needed me. I didn’t know how she was, I didn’t know if she would be okay. Nobody knew, and yet some how everyone thought that they knew. That’s what always happens, everyone says everything will be fine, not to worry. That is exactly what Jess’s mom had told her over the phone, and look what happened now. He’s dead. The thought made me shudder as I was dragged into the office.
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