Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Backstabbing Water Droplets.

After convincing the nurse that I was doing fine, and could drive myself home, I was slowly on my way. The streets weren’t that busy, making it easy to drive slower, without getting honked at by other people in a rush to get home. But when I finally arrived home it was around three, meaning it took an extra 15 minutes to get home.

I walked up the drive way, no faster than normal, probably a bit slower. When I got inside I locked the door, and turning around I slammed my back to the door, letting myself drop to the floor.

The house seemed so empty. I felt so alone, so hurt. How could this have happened, now? I wanted to know why. I also wanted the name and address of the other person in the car that hit my dad. I wanted them to feel like I felt, wanted them to know how much it hurts.

I tired so hard not to, but the tears finally started rolling down my cheeks. My emotions starts running wild. I was both sad and mad. Sad because my dad, my best friend was now gone, and I would never get to see him again. And I was mad because I wasn’t there, and there was nothing could do about it. I was also mad because of the backstabbing water droplets coming from my eyes. I wish I couldn’t cry…

But after my body decided that my eyes were completely dry, I got up, glancing at the clock. It was now around four. I groaned to myself, I had just wasted another hour crying, when could have been attempting to do something else.

Walking drowsily (because of all the crying I had been doing), I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, and opened it, letting the cool water run down my throat. The cold was both soothing, and numbing. But I ignored the stink, and went upstairs to my room. But about half way up, I heard what sounded like someone trying to unlock the door…
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