Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Jepha Gets Worried.

“Jess. I’m sorry. I got home as soon as I could.” I ignored her apology, and ran over, wrapping my arms around her.
“Oh Jess. I wish I could have stopped him form going. I should have. I-”
“Mom. Stop. It’s not your fault.” I reassured her. We walked over to the couch, and just held each other. I guess that my body wasn’t completely dried out yet. My mom held me, like I was younger again, as we cried together.

The Next Day

I woke up around seven to a buzzing noise. Realizing someone was calling my phone, I groaned. Why couldn’t I just remember to shut the damn thing off, for once? Not even looking to see who was calling I shut it off, too tired to care who was calling. But it didn’t matter much, I probably wouldn’t want to talk to whoever it was anyway.

Jephas POV

“She’s not answering.” I sighed, shutting my phone.
“She’s probably still sleeping.” Bella suggested, trying to calm me down a little.
“But. She never called me yesterday either. Maybe I should go over there.”
“Jepha. Calm down. She might want to just be alone. Give her a little time.” At this moment Bella wasn’t helping.

“I’m going over.” I stated, putting my jacket on.
“Jeph. You haven’t slept in almost 24 hours. Don’t you think you should-”
“I’m not going to sleep. I’m going to Jess’s house.” I said sternly. Bella sighed,
“Okay. We should go too then.” She said, waking
♠ ♠ ♠
more soon.
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: ]
