Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Making Arrangements.

Normal POV

“Jess. Sweetie, wake up.” I felt my mother cool hand gently stroking my cheek, moments later.
“I know you wanted to go with me, to make the um… arrangements,” She struggled, looking for the right words,
“And I have to leave soon.”

“Okay. Just give me ten minutes.” I quickly got up, stumbling a bit. After a second I re gained my balance and went upstairs. I brushed the few snarls out of my hair, letting it hang loose down my back. Then I splashed some cold water on my face, at first too cold, but I used it as my advantage, still tired from crying all night.

Not paying attention to what I was putting on, I grabbed a shirt, and jeans from my closet, quickly put them on and ran back downstairs. It was then when I noticed what I was wearing, and I wasn’t the only one. I caught my mom starring at my shirt, smiling. I looked down, and smiled with her. It was one of the shirts my dad had picked out for me, one of the few shirts of mine he liked.

“I. Um… I could change.”
“No. You’re fine,” My mom smiled, finally meeting my anxious eyes,
“I remember the day we got that shirt. The one shirt that you could both agree on.” I smiled too, and then felt the sadness seeping into the conversation, I decided now was a great time to leave.

“Okay. Mom, we should get going.”
“Oh. Yeah. Lets go.” I grabbed my phone off of the table and slowly shut the door, making sure it was locked.

“Ready?” My mom questioned when I got into the car.
“Yup.” I smiled. She started the car, and we were off to make the arrangements for the loss of our best friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for the long wait.
more very soon.
