Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Wishing Looks Could Kill.

When I woke up the next morning I found my mom fast asleep on the couch. I can image it still being hard for her to sleep in the bed, the bed that once held both of my parents at night. I watched her sleep for a couple more minutes, before glancing at the clock, and realizing I had to finish getting ready, I slid my shoes on.

After tying both laces up, I left her a note, letting her know that I had to go take my last test, and that I would be home around noon, as planned to make it to the ceremony on time. I folded the piece of paper I half, and gently placed it on the coffee table beside her.

Then walking out the door, I let it shut lightly, not to wake up my mom and waited to hear the light click before I walked over to my car. I turned the key, and drove silently to school, enjoying the sound of the wind coming through the open window.

Jephas POV

I woke up this morning thinking I would at least be able to see Jess at school. Finally being able to see her, it made my morning go by that much slower. Getting irritated watching the hands on the clock move slower and slower every second, I decided to leave early. Maybe there would be traffic… or maybe I was just making excuses. Either way, you never know.

When I got to the school I realized that I was fifteen minutes early. I sighed at how pathetic I was being. But still having a little bit of hope inside me, I went inside anyway. I’m not sure why, but I kind of felt nervous, being able to see Jess again. It had only been tow days, but it was way more than I could handle.

I was so excited to see her, and I used the vision of her face to lighten my mood, until the principal caught me before I made it into the gym, and pulled me into his office. This can’t be good.

“Now. Because of your little episode the other day.” So that’s what he was calling it, an episode. I call it you being a complete ass hole for not letting me make sure my girlfriend was okay...
“We thought it would be best if you take this test in alternative location. Away from everyone else.” I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

I wanted nothing more than to stand up and knock the shit out of this guy, right now. And I probably would have if it weren’t for the officer standing over me.
“Fine.” I stated, tone flat, and getting to me feet. Right now I was wishing looks could kill, because both the principal and the cop would be dead right now…

As we walked to the other room I store down at my feet. And when we reached the class room, at sat down at the desk,
“We will be right back with your test. When you receive it, feel free to start when ever you’d like.” He smiled at me. I didn’t say or do anything. When they were both out of the room, I glanced out the window, and I almost jumped out of my seat.

Jess just walked into the school, not looking anywhere but at her shoes. She was trying to hide herself from everyone. I felt even worse now, and wanted nothing but to hold her, as I felt the single tear roll down my cheek. Hearing foot steps I quickly wiped the tear away. The officer brought in my test, and I quickly began. The quicker I got done, the quicker I could finally hold my Jess.
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