Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

My Heart is Yours, Forever.

I could hear his breathing stop. It hurt me too, but it was better to do this now, in person.
“Jeph.” I sighed, watching the tears fill his eyes. I felt so bad, I just broke this mans heart. I shattered it. I wanted nothing more than to go kill myself right now. How could I do this?

“But. I. Do you want more time? Did I rush you into. I. Please, Jess.” I pulled my hands out of his. I could tell just by his voice, he was choking back the tears.
“Look. Jepha. We will be soon going out separate ways. And I feel so bad, because I haven’t been around much.”

“I will go anywhere you want to go. And I don’t care that you haven’t been around that much. I understand. Yes I miss you like crazy, but please don’t do this.”
“Jeph.” Just then we were being put in line.
“I’m sorry.” I said, walking to my spot.

I wanted to cry, so badly. But I didn’t. I took my seat, and waited for my name to be called. When I was called I walked up on the stage, I didn’t look anywhere but where my mom sat. I put on another fake smile, just for her. But I was really dying inside.

Jephas POV

I didn’t stay. I couldn’t stay. I turned, walked back into the office. Setting my gown on the desk, I left. I drove home, way over the speed limit, but I didn’t care. I was actually hoping I would get pulled over, but my luck. I didn’t. When I got home I ran inside, slamming the door. Nobody was there, and that’s when I lost it.

I dropped to my knees, screaming. It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest, and smashed into a billion little pieces. I would have waited. She knew that, I would have gone anywhere with her. I would have died for her. I couldn’t even say her name in my head. It hurt so much. But even though I felt like I was just stabbed, I still loved her. She broke my heart, but I know that somehow, she it would always be there, even if it was in a billion pieces. Every one of those pieces would always belong to Jessica.
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