Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Everyone Knows This Story.

3 Years Later

“Please come with me Jess!” My room mate bugged me, for the tenth time.
“Emily. I don’t know. I’ll probably be busy."
Studying does not count as being busy. Come on Jess!”
“Well, I want to pass everyone of these damn tests with at least a B.” I stated, trying to get out of this. Ever since. Well, we all know that story. But I really haven’t been one to go watch people play.

“Fine. Even though you’re going to get an A without studying, I’ll just have to go by myself.” She pouted.
“Sorry, but you know they story Emily.”
“Ugh! It was just a high school romance. Jess, it’s time to move on.” She said, not realizing how much it hurt.

“Just a high school romance? Emily, I love you, but sometimes you can really be a bitch.” I said, ready to cry.
“Well, I’m sorry too, but Jess. If you loved him so gosh darn much, you shouldn’t have broke up with him.”
“Please. Just stop. I don’t want to talk about this.” I said, trying to hold back the tears.

“Fine. I have to go anyways.” Emily got up and walked out the door, but before shutting it she peaked back inside,
“Yeah?” I called back.
“I am sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up.”
“It’s fine Em. Go on, before you’re late.”
“I love you!”
“Love you too!” I yelled, waiting for the door to shut. When it finally did, I had to take my mind off of this whole conversation, so I decided to take out my schedule.

I looked over it, and jumped up. I for got that I had a shoot today. I ran around my apartment, getting all my equipment together, and ran out to my car. After shoving every thing into the back seat, I sped like a maniac to the studio.

When I got there I grabbed all my stuff and ran inside.
“Jess. Thank God you’re here. This guy won’t leave. He said he wasn’t leaving until he got to talk to you.”
“Sorry I’m a bit behind. I for got about today.” I smiled, apologetically,
“Okay. Where is this guy?”
“Follow me.” Sarah, my assistant said, walking towards the lobby.

I kept my eyes on the clipboard, looking at my schedule again, trying to figure out how I missed today.
“She’s finally here.” Sarah said, I could hear the sarcasm in her voice.
I finally took my eyes of the clipboard, which landed at my feet when I saw who it was.
♠ ♠ ♠
expect the unexpected
