Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

After School

Belle and I waited for the guys to get here. It was silent, only because Bella wanted to listen to her MP3 player, and had it so loud I could her 'I'd Do Anything' (Simple Plan) perfectly clear.

A couple seconds later Branden burst through the door. It made me jump at first, Bella didnt even notice. Bert quietly crept up behind Bella. "Shh." He put his finger up to his mouth.
"This can't be good." Quinn and Branden laughed at my comment. Jepha sat down next to me.

Bert stood right behind Bella on her stool.
"BELLA!" He screamed in her ear, giving her jumper cables.
"Ahh!" She shrieked, falling off of her stool. Everyone else laughed.
"Bert. You. Uh!" She quickly got up, dusting herself off.
"You know you love me."
"Only you dont know." Quinn whispered. I punched him in the stomach, as Belle glared at Quinn. "Ow."

"Oh. You are so wrong Bert McCracken."
"Yes you do."
"Nope. And you cant make me!"
"Yes I can!"
"Oh really. How?"
"Ahhh!" Belle shrieked, and ran into the living room. Bert chased, and soon after tackled her. We all followed them, but they paid no attention to us.
"Bert get off of me! Fat ass!"
"I'll scream!"
"I'll stop you!"
"No you won't! AH-" Oh my gosh, Bert just kissed Bella!

Bella's POV

Bert's lips cut me off. I was shocked at first, but then gladly returned the kiss.
"Finally!" Bert pulled away suddenly. As we noticed everyone watching us.
"What do you mean? Finally?" Bert questioned getting up.
"Um. Bert. Lets go talk."

Normal POV

Bella pulled Bert into the other room.
"Good going Quinn!"
"Wha- Ow" Branden slapped Quinn upside the head.
"Wait Bella. Right?" Jepha questioned me.
"No. Jess."
"No. No. I know your name, silly. That was Bella?"
"Oh. Yes. Why?"
"Oh. That makes sense!"
"What makes sense? You know something we don't know?" I questioned Jepha.
"Bert has been talking about Bella for about a year now."
"Well. We have known you guys for. Wait. Quinn? How long have we known you guys?"
"A little over a year."
"Wow! Bert never told anyone of us that!"
"Yeah. If that's the Bella he has been talking about."
"Wow. That does make sense."
We all sat there, still in shock, waiting for Bert and Bella to come back into the living room.