Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Breaking Down... Again.

“Quinn.” I said, not sure if I was happy, or nervous or excited to see him. But I was being to think it was a combination of the three.
“Jess. Wow. You look good. Hey.” And I was being to feel the awkward silence erupt, until he walked over, and wrapped his arms around me in a bone crushing hug.

“I have missed you.”
“Oh. You too Quinn.” I smiled pulling away.
“So, why’d you come all the way here?” I questioned.
“Um, Jess. Could we talk? Some place more private?” He asked, looking around at all the people there.
“Sure. We can talk in my office.” I lead Quinn down the hall, where my office was, and shut the door being him when we came in.

“Your office. It’s nice.” He smiled, looking around.
“Thank you.”
“So. Your office. You’re the boss?”
“Yup. I’m the boss. This is my studio, where I take bands pictures. But it’s mostly little bands, to help them get started, for now anyways. I’m hoping to shoot bigger bands some day.” I smiled at the thought,
“But Quinn, why did you come here? I mean, not that I mind.” He laughed a bit, but then was suddenly serious. Way to serious for Quinn.

“I hate that I had to come here. Not because I have to see or talk to you, but why I wanted to talk to you.” This doesn’t sound too good.
“Quinn, what’s going on?”
“Well. It’s Jepha.” I stopped breathing.

“What’s wrong? Is he hurt, or sick. Quinn what happened?” I questioned, now panicking at the thought.
“No. Jess. Calm down. He’s sort of fine. He wasn’t in any accidents or anything, don’t get nervous. I’m just worried about him. Jess, he misses you, and I’m just scared that if he doesn’t get to see you that he will end up hurting himself.” I cringed at the thought.

“Quinn. I’m sorry, but I can’t. If I go now, it will just make things worse again.”
“But. Jess. I know you still love him. Please, just come back with me.”
“Jess.” Quinn pleaded. I walked over to the door, opening and holding my hand out for him to leave. He sighed and walked over to it.

“I’m proud of you Jess, for all this. You are living your dream. And I hope you’re happy.” He tried to smile, but it wasn’t the Quinn smile I love so much. I shut the door after he walked out, went over to my desk, sat down, and broke out into another fit of tears.
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comment. more soon.
