Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Bert and Bella Come Clean

Bellas POV

"Bella. Bella?" We sat down on Jess's bed. I store at me feet. "Bella. Talk to me. Please?"
"Bert. I'm not quit sure what to say."
"Maybe I should start then." I looked up into Bert's gorgeous blue eyes.

"Bella," He took my hand in his. "I'm not quit when. But I think it was the first time that we met. That I realized, I like you. A LOT. And maybe. Just maybe. You like me too?" Bert looked back into my eyes in hope, then looked down.

"I think that maybe I like you too Bert." I smiled, lifting Berts head, and spirits. He put the biggest grin on his face, which made me also smile even more. Bert quickly pulled me into a hug.

"So. I think everyone's waiting down stairs."
"Yupp. They already know what's going to hap- OH!"
"Follow my lead. I have a plan." I grinned evilly, as Bert looked at me confused.

Normal POV

We all waited for Bella and Bert to come down. But didn't hear what we thought would be the out come of this.

"Bert. How could you?"
"Uh- oh." Quinn whispered.
"Bella. You. UH!"
"Back at you!"
Bert stormed down the stairs as Bella yelled after him. When Bert got down he looked pissed.
"Bert. What happened?"
"What happened? What happened?"
Belle came up behind Bert, also looking very pissed. But then smiled. What The Hell?

"Let me show you exactly what happened." Bert quickly turned around and crashed his lips onto Bella's.
"What the hell is going on?" Quinn yelled. Bella pulled away from Bert, both laughing.
"Did we miss something?" Branden questioned.
"I thought you guys hated each other?"
"Well. Apparently we both lied. And we love each other!" Bert smirked looking at Bella.

"Oh please!" I walked out to the back yard,
"Get a room!" I yelled, shutting the door behind me. Jepha followed me outside. But unfortunately Quinn and Branden followed him.