Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

"What are you doing?"
"Oh. Hey Jepha."
"Hi." He seemed a bit confused to see me with a baby.
"What? You dont like kids?"
"No! Its just. Uh. Is it yours?" He questioned pointing at Sydney.
"No! Oh my gosh no! This is my niece Sydney. She is sisters baby."

I held Sydney out to Jepha, as he sat down taking her.
"Hey there Sydney." She smiled, and started bouncing on Jepha, making us both laugh. After a couple minutes we went out back.
"Megan. Time to take your kid back."

"Ok." She responded, gladly taking her out of my grip.
"Hello. Who are you?"
"Oh. Megan this is my friend Jeph. Jeph, my sister Megan."
"Hi. Nice to meet you, Jeph."
"Same here." Jepha smiled polity.

I introduced my parents to Jepha as well, they seemed to like him. Which shocked me a bit, but its nice to know they like him. After meeting everyone, me and Jepha met up with Bert, Bella, Quinn, and Branden. Everyone had fun. Swimming, blaring music (like my parents werent even there!), and then the gang hang a little fun of out own. (The gang consisting of Me, Jepha, Bert, Branden, Bella and Quinn.)

Before long almost everyone had left. I laid by myself in the grass outside, gazing at the stars, in my own little world. Day dreaming.

"You want some company?" Jepha questioned, sitting next to me.
"Sure." We sat there, laying next to each other for what felt like forever.
"Hey Jess?" Jepha asked, still starring up at the beautiful night sky.
"Yes Jepha?"
"Um." He hesitated at first.
"What?" I smiled lightly tapping his arm.
"Do you believe in love at first sight?"

No words could explain what I was felling at that very moment. I couldnt come up with anything to say. I turned on my side, facing Jepha, even though he was still looking up.
"Wha- What?" I finally managed to get out.
"Do you?" He asked.
"Well. I dont know. It depends. Do you?"
"I didnt" He paused, "Until I met you."

Jepha turned his head, now looking at me.
"Jepha. What are you try-" Jepha quickly, but gently pushed his lips to mine. I was blown away at first, but then gladly returned to kiss. Jepha slowly pulled away, starring into my eyes. "Jess. I know that its early, but I think that I love you."