Get Your Kicks

Estella Roman

As I sat in mine and Darcy’s room packing up my things I let out a long sigh. The bus was fixed, so soon we would be on our way to Vegas and I’d never have to deal with Louis Tomlinson ever again. I pressed my lips together, folding up my dresses neatly as I just stared blankly at the material

I’m falling in love with you Estella Roman and I can’t hide it anymore.

No, get out of my head you lying, cheating dirt bag. He couldn’t possibly mean that. If had really felt something for me he would have told me about his girlfriend and we would have worked things out from there. But now everything was all screwed up and I refused to be the reason he broke up with Eleanor. I couldn’t be the other woman.

I took a deep breath, plopping down on the edge of my bed and wishing we had never picked up any of them. Healy was miserable, Tay hadn’t been herself since I’d gotten locked on the roof, and Darcy and Brenna had their huge blow out. All those stupid boys had caused us was trouble and I just wanted all of them gone. I wanted my friends back and everything to be normal again that it hurt. I pulled my knees into my chest, hiding my face in them as I tried as hard as I could to just vanish into the walls so I wouldn’t have to deal with any of it anymore.

I don’t know how long I stayed there, fighting off tears, but it must have been long enough that people started to worry, because the next thing I knew there was a knock at the door. I sighed, thinking of nothing but melting into the comforter as I waited for whoever it was to just leave me the Hell alone.

“Elle.” Louis said. I felt my blood boil just hearing his perfect, lying voice and shut my eyes, trying mentally to become one with the paisley bedspread. “Ellie please open the door.” I stayed silent, hoping he would just give up, but he was relentless. “We both know I’ll wait out here for days if I have to.”

“I’m not talking to you.” I snapped, glaring at the door.

“Elle I broke up with Eleanor for you, I admit that I care about you, I don’t know what else you want me to do.” I shot up, opening the door and glaring at him as he gave me that damn puppy dog look of his. I wanted nothing more than to hug him, tell him it would be alright and feel how perfectly I fit into his arms, but I stayed there.

“I want you to go back to England and never speak to me again.” He bit his lip, his head hanging down as he ran a hand through his perfectly feathery hair.

“I deserved that.” He said simply.

“How?” I whispered.

“I told you, I saw you and it was like I never met Eleanor. I felt like lightning hit me the moment I saw you.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Then what did you mean?” I took a deep breath, looking into his perfect, beautiful eyes.

“How do I know that you won’t just drop me too when someone better comes along?” He recoiled at that, almost as if I had slapped him. But then his eyes became fiery as he looked at me, the ocean blue turning stormy and dark.

“There is no one better than you.”

“I’m sure you said that exact same thing to Eleanor-” He smacked one of his hands over my mouth, looking at me so intently I started to blush. He backed me up into my room, shutting the door behind him as he looked at me.

“Why are you doing this?” He said, pulling his hand away.

“Doing what?”

“Pushing me away? Elle we both know that we’re crazy about each other so why do you keep fighting me?”

“Because I can’t be the other woman.” I murmured after a long silence. He looked at me for a long time and I sighed, running a hand through my hair. “When I was little my dad had an affair. My mom found out about it, but they still loved each other and it was a mistake, so they decided to try and move past it. Except by then the entire town knew about it, so we moved. That’s how I met the girls.”

“Ellie… you’re not the other woman, I broke up with her so I wouldn’t put you in that situation.” He tried, reaching out to cradle my face, but I stepped away, shaking my head.

“I swore to my mother that I would never come between two people who were in love. I won’t do it Louis. Now just… just call Eleanor and get back together and we’ll pretend none of this ever happened.”

“I don’t want to be with Eleanor I want to be with you.” He pleaded. “Ellie, just give me a chance.” I shook my head, zipping up my suitcase and starting for the door but he grabbed my arm. “I’m begging you Elle.”

“I gave you a chance Louis.” I whispered. “And you made me break my promise.” With that I pulled my hand away, all but running out the door so I wouldn’t have to see him crumble.
♠ ♠ ♠
I will love you, come here boy
